I was out with friends for a drink Friday and the driver has just had a Pioneer Sat Nav unit fitted to his car. Very nice piece of kit it was too.
He'd decided to take us out in the wilds of Lancashire and had entered the postcodes for a few pubs where we could have a drink (the driver never drinks alcohol!). The Sat Nav told him in advance when a junction was coming up and which exit to take then reminded him within a few metres to turn left or right etc.
We arrived safely at each hostelry and had none of the usual 'are we going the right way' type comments. I was impressed how efficient the kit was, the clarity of instructions and no nonesense operation (tell where you want to go before setting off and it'll tell you how to get back on track if you do make a wrong turn.)
But, at £2500 (yes!!) I wondered if it was that necessary? It is fine if you are going somewhere you haven't been before or don't go to regularly but for regular runs, I'd question its usefulness, especially at the price.
One down side I did notice was the fitting which was done professionally, was that when the screen deployed, it appeared to cover the heater controls such that you couldn't get at them!
I have one fitted in the 330 - rarely use it as I generally use roads that I know. On the odd trip out (recent trips to N. Wales)
to unknown places it diverted me onto excellent traffic free roads, would my next car have it..........? Doubt it, especially if I was paying myself. Necessary it ain't we found our way about without it didn't we. For 2.5k you'd get an awful lot of Atlases (Atlii??)
This stuff does work brilliantly, it has to be said. However, a £5 OS map has never yet given me the wrong directions either.
If you're on the road for your livelyhood, then the cost is probably worth it. But the best computer in the universe is between your ears and software from OS or A-Z is cheap, so if you're just looking for a nice pub..........
My Altezza keeps telling me the way to the previous owners favorite bar in Osaka.Not much good where i live!
Maybe so but you have to stop to read the map if you do make a mistake plus, you have to know exactly where you are.
Dear Cyd,
A livelyhood?>> This stuff does work brilliantly, it has to be said. However,a £5 OS map has never yet given me the wrong directions either. If you're on the road for your livelyhood, then the cost is probably worth it. But the best computer in the universe is between your ears and software from OS or A-Z is cheap, so if you're just looking for a nice pub..........
It was interesting using one of these devices in USA some time after Sep 11.
From what we could see it appeared that strategic locations had been excluded. Either the device suddenly denied all knowledge they existed or, more often, refused to give a location and just got you vaguley in the vicinity and then dumped you in a void. Bit like the road signs in Sheffield. ;-)
Can imagine it could be a bit awkward, navigating your way round London and being diverted because the system tells you Whitehall has been wiped off the face of the map.
Overall though it was amazingly accurate and for some destinations, eg hotels,it "knew" which side of the road they were on and when a left turn into the destination was not possible. So either you were taken round the block or sent past and then told to hang a U turn. If a mistake was made very quick to recalculate, and the only time knickers were electronically twisted was near to "ahem" strategic locations.
vaguley, bit like my typing !!
at least fat finger syndrome didn't result in selling/buying $4 billion worth of shares. DOH!
i have clarion sat nav its ok as i drive all day but not the best thing as it tends to keep main roads and puts you in jams
Is that the Clarion NVS613 DIN model?
My dad got it as standard in his Toyota Avensis - he doesn't even bother with a map now.
It's easy to use and can be programmed to take you off main roads therefore out the way of jams even though this is the version before they fitted traffic avoidance, that's probably even better.
Very useful, if you aren't paying extra for it.
I can't think of any accessory I'd like more in a car, there must be times when it saves no end of time and hassle. I wouldn't pay £2500 for it though, I'll wait till they are standard fitment in all cars or they drop to pocket money prices, like most electronic gizmo's eventually do.
My experience, on the poshest Leganza (OK, apologies) was that it was very good as long as you did exactly what it told you. Miss a turn or dive up another route because of anti-motoring enemies spotted or whatever it seemed to get its GPS/digital knickers in a formidable twist.
Therefor it seemed no better than what the formerly pro-motorist organizations used to do for one on application, on paper. Either way, once deviated one has to find somewhere to pull off and fetch the map out.
Anyone tried the one that clips onto your iPaQ (?) PDA, from Dixons?
I agree with yoir point that it is not yet worth shelling out the dosh though if it comes all in the price of a second hand car I would take it.
I use the one that came with the company C5. It does have its limitations and quirks (it always take the long via a nearby town even after selecting the shrotest route option).
But very useful when you have played with all the options.
That's the French taking the p*ss.
They hate us.
I know these things...............
I had a play with the Dixon's system that is basically a NavMan jacket slipped onto an iPaq 3850 but chose a Destinator instead.
This works fine - mostly - and costs about £400 if you already have an iPaq, including the software, NavTech maps and enough SD memory to load the whole of the UK to street level.
X-Type 3-litre Sport