Back from holiday - Ratmobile made it fine - Rattle
Apart from the blower deciding to randomly pack up on the way there and then suddenly deciding to fix itself my car did 350 miles without any trouble. Only issue is my tracking now seems off since I had the springs replaced (it pulls to the left a little) but this is very minor but will get it sorted.

Ted if you're reading this will send you an email tomorrow explaining what happened last week and shall name the wrong spring disaster garage.

Was very surprised how nippy my 1.2 16v Corsa was even with 4 people in it. Holiday was lovely although my mates wanted to rest a lot and I find resting impossible I always have to keep active.

I did a lot of driving round Wales and really really really hate driving in Manchester now. I could drive at 70mph in Wales without any incident where as Manchester everytime I go some where new there is always a little incident (my fault or otherwise).

Didn't drink that much while I was away but that was probably a good think with the amoint of driving we did. I have a lot more confidence in my car now though though. It was also surpringly comfortable, even at 70mph there was very little noise in the cabin and the steering was very nicely balanced, at higher speeds it tightened up and had quite a bit of feel (the fact I am very strict with making sure my car has exactly the correct tyre preasures probably helped).

I am missing the constant view of Irish Sea, Puffin Island, The Red Warf Bay and the Great Orme, and in the distance Snowdonia which is what I woke up to everyday. I took a basic tool kit with me consisting of spanners, pliers and a screw driver. I didn't use them on the car but the shower hot tap was faulty. I knew what the faulty part was but it was not our carravan so just had to take the tap apart twice soaking this gear in WD40 and put it all back together again. So if I am not fixing things under the bonnet or in a computer its flipping taps.

One thing I have noticed being back at home is just how green Manchester is. All I can see in my back room is trees. But these also destroy the paint work on my car :(.

Edited by Rattle on 11/07/2009 at 01:34

Back from holiday - Ratmobile made it fine - welshlad
I am missing the constant view of Irish Sea Puffin Island The Red Warf Bay
and the Great Orme and in the distance Snowdonia which is what I woke up
to everyday.

or as i call it my back garden
Back from holiday - Ratmobile made it fine - Martin Devon
And Exmoor is my Front Garden. Lovely innit?

Best regards,

Martin D.
Back from holiday - Ratmobile made it fine - pmh2
>>>>>I could drive at 70mph in Wales without any inciden<<<<<

It was North Wales wasn't it?. Now you are back, just sit back, relax, and wait for the NIPs to arrive;)
