95 2.0 immobilizer ecu location (X20SE engine) - topbloke
okay folks i need to find the ecu, checked the places that the manafacter states its at "oh no its not" i kniow its going to be a b to get at but would like to find it before i tottally remove dash, any one out there that has actually done this job, Regards TB ps due to its sensative nature you can pm me with the info pps had a look on the frontera forum registered to join but not had authority yet, have searched all the previous post found some info but nothing specific, cheers

Edited by Pugugly on 21/04/2009 at 08:51

19 2.0 immobilizer ecu location - elekie&a/c doctor
What year of manufacture and engine code please?
19 2.0 immobilizer ecu location - topbloke
standard newby mistake next thing i will be doing is turning caps lock on lol 1995 x20se so thats an sohc 8 valve engine

header now amended

Edited by Webmaster on 20/04/2009 at 23:57

19 2.0 immobilizer ecu location - bell boy
does a 95 frontera have a factory imobilisor?
19 2.0 immobilizer ecu location - elekie&a/c doctor
If this is the system switched on/off via the door key,then the immob control unit is located behind the dash ,above glove box.However,some of these were fitted with touch key immob with touch pad next to ignition key.Control unit could be anywhere.hth
19 2.0 immobilizer ecu location - bell boy
so it was the add on immobilisor kit
ive taken these out on corsas but it will take an hour to find where its linked into fuel and spark
can be done though
19 2.0 immobilizer ecu location - Dynamic Dave
does a 95 frontera have a factory imobilisor?

Not until 1999 according to Thatcham.


19 2.0 immobilizer ecu location - topbloke
trust me it has one, factory fit dongle type wave in the general area of the steering column, it has atws, c/l as well, vauxhall epc list atws seperate to immo !