Cleaning inside a windscreen without streaks - ex-Triumph man
Does anyone out there have any tips on cleaning the inside of a windscreen without leaving streaks, especially on a sunny day? I tend to use a cream cleaner for the outside but this can drip down and stain the top of the dashboard when doing the inside. Spray glass cleaners just streak.
Any tips/suggestions most welcome. Thanks.
PS Apologies if this issue has been raised in the past.

Top Reply

Cleaning inside a windscreen without streaks - Manatee
I'm sure it has been raised before but yesterday, thanks to Mrs Dugong, I found the answer!

Normally I use whatever proprietary window cleaner is on hand and it takes two or three goes, but yesterday we'd run out so Mrs D gave me her all purpose vinegar solution she makes herself.

Two parts water, one part distilled vinegar, and a couple of DROPS of washing up liquid. She puts it in a spray container. One application using kitchen roll and it's perfect even in today's sunshine - result!

All Replies

Cleaning inside a windscreen without streaks - Manatee
I'm sure it has been raised before but yesterday, thanks to Mrs Dugong, I found the answer!

Normally I use whatever proprietary window cleaner is on hand and it takes two or three goes, but yesterday we'd run out so Mrs D gave me her all purpose vinegar solution she makes herself.

Two parts water, one part distilled vinegar, and a couple of DROPS of washing up liquid. She puts it in a spray container. One application using kitchen roll and it's perfect even in today's sunshine - result!
Cleaning inside a windscreen without streaks - Old Navy
I use Nilco Nilglass spray, a clear liquid cleaner. Spray on sparingly, wipe off with a microfiber cloth, no problems with smearing. As Manatee says vinegar is good and I will use this when I run out of Nilco as I have not found a supplier recently.

Edited by Old Navy on 05/04/2009 at 18:39

Cleaning inside a windscreen without streaks - Old Navy
Missed the edit:

Its on Ebay.
Cleaning inside a windscreen without streaks - Stuartli
I used Nilco Nilglass for a long time (bought it at Makro) before discovering AutoGlym's glass cleaner.

However, the Nilco product is available if you wish to find a supplier. Just a few of them:

Cleaning inside a windscreen without streaks - stunorthants26
I tend to use a cream cleaner for the outside but this can drip down and stain the top of the dashboard when doing the inside <<

Only if you use too much. If it drips down, use a microfibre cloth and spit on it, then rub off an spillage, works a treat.
I would suggest its a tecnique issue rather than the product. I dont have this problem with my cream cleaner that I use every day.
Cleaning inside a windscreen without streaks - Doc
I use a damp chamois, plain water.

Cleaning inside a windscreen without streaks - Alby Back
I use a bowl of hot water, a couple of drops of washing up liquid and a clean dishcloth. Do it twice and then dry with a dry teatowel. Seems to work.
Cleaning inside a windscreen without streaks - Altea Ego
I use a standard domestic spray on type glass cleaner, then paper kitchen towel to wipe it off. No streaks.
Cleaning inside a windscreen without streaks - Dynamic Dave
tips on cleaning the inside of a windscreen without leaving streaks, especially on a sunny day?

The main one is to park in the shade, or do in the early evening once the sun has gone down otherwise whatever you use will dry before you have a chance to buff it off.

Also use newspaper. The ink used helps to remove any smears and greasy residue from the plasticisers that ooze out the dashboard and other plastic surfaces.
Cleaning inside a windscreen without streaks - Altea Ego
Also use newspaper. The ink used helps to remove any smears and greasy residue from
the plasticisers that ooze out the dashboard and other plastic surfaces.

Modern inks are waterbased and have nothing to do with it now. Its the paper. Newsprint has nice rough fibres thats abrade the residual off the windscreen.
Cleaning inside a windscreen without streaks - ex-Triumph man
Thanks to all you good folks who have taken the trouble to reply. Will just have to try some of them out and see how I get on.
Thank you all.