99 1.6 Rover radio R770 - kirklander73
Hello! dont know if anyone may be able to help... the girlfriends rover battery has been replaced and (suprise!!!) the radio code has been lost!! I have looked online but the prices they where asking are more than the entire car is worth!! anyone know where-and if i can get the code for free??? it's only a tape player!!!
99 1.6 Rover radio R770 - McP
I got my code from a Rover dealer free of charge. It was 5+ years ago though.
I had to go in with my log book.

Dealer list
99 1.6 Rover radio R770 - ex-Triumph man
If there are any former Rover dealers in your area, you could always try them.
99 1.6 Rover radio R770 - Pugugly
£5.00 for a decode on fleabay.
99 1.6 Rover radio R770 - kirklander73
Thanks everyone!! could not find any dealers-ex dealers here, got the code from the flea bay thanks pugugly!