Toyota Previa replacement - boxsterboy
Since Toyota dropped the Previa a couple of years back, I've been wondering if they would bring out any replacement. Today, passing Jemca (big franchised Toyota dealer in North London) I saw a row of brand new 58-reg Estimas. Not the grey import skinny old shape Previas much favoured by mini-cabbers, but an all new shape.

Nothing listed on Toyota's web-site though. Does anyone else know anything?
Toyota Previa replacement - boxsterboy
I went past this dealer again today, and these Estima Aeros are priced at £32,900 !!!

At that price I think it's safe to say we won't be seeing too many on the roads.

But they did look like (brand new) Japanesse imports - small windscreen stickers with Japanesse script on them, like you sometimes see on grey imports. Surely Toyota HQ won't like their franchised dealers selling grey imports?
Toyota Previa replacement - DP
Surely Toyota HQ won't like
their franchised dealers selling grey imports?

Mazda GB were quite happy for their dealers to sell 'nearly new' and used Eunos Roadsters alongside their official UK stock. When we bought our MX-5, we were invited to look around a selection of both.
As the salesman said of the grey importers, "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em".
