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Supermarket petrol??! - Foggy
I posted a question earlier and mentioned the fact that I put supermarket petrol in my car (a Rover 620 Ti which I've run for four years, has 78,000 on the clock and still no smoke!. I'm about to change and buy a '96 BMW 728i with 30,000 miles on the engine.

Shell Optimax seems very popular on the web (but expensive on only one garage in Cardiff) - so my question is this. Should I stick to one brand of petrol? BP? Shell? Texaco? Will supermarket petrol really hurt my car? Unleaded or Superunleaded?

I'd love to hear evryones views, but especially those who work in the petrochemical industry or in vehicle research!!

Supermarket petrol??! - Ian (Cape Town)
Foggy, congrats on your new motor!
I suggest you do a search using "supermarket" "tesco" or similar as serach arguments ... you'll be surprised what comes up! (Most of it rather negative!)
Supermarket petrol??! - matt35 {P}
About a year ago I asked HJ if I should use Optimax in a new X Type - his reply was roughly 'why spend a lot of money on a car and use cheap petrol'.
You are getting quite a special motor which is hardly run in yet?
Whether Optimax is better for your engine or not is probably subjective - there is a long discussion on the subject on this BB.
I drive past a lot of filling stations to find Optimax about 8 miles from my home and notice the difference in performance and in what the trip computer says about mpg if I fill up with supermarket fuel in emergency.
Personally, I would be surprised if BP and Texaco did not have a very similar product to Optimax - maybe HJ could comment on this if it is not to producer sensitive?
Regards - and enjoy your new car!
Supermarket petrol??! - Foggy
One quick point. Let's say Optimax is 80p/litre and Supermarket Slurry is 74p/litre. If my old Rover did 30mpg on the Supermarket stuff, then it would have to do 32.4 mpg on the Optimax before I was any financially better off. Then I have to take into consideration the time difference to get to the Shell garage (about 30 mins rund trip) and 12 miles worth of petrol (possibly £1.60 worth). I'm sceptical as to whether it's worth it in my case. If I lived next to a Shell garage then maybe

PS Had the RAC inspection today (amazing what they can tell you!!) - someone has keyed it down both sides in the past and the panels have been resprayed but there's ben no impact damage. Oh - and the oil was a little too full and the power steering fluid a little too low. But 'nought else wrong!! Just waiting for the money to clear and she's mine!!

Supermarket petrol??! - Cymro Arall
Foggy: where's the Shell garage in Cardiff? I too have to search for Optimax. It seems to give about 9% improvement in mpg for my car (though the price is about 8% greater, so the economics are more or less neutral).

Supermarket petrol??! - <0.One%
Foggy: where's the Shell garage in Cardiff? >>

Foggy an others who would like to find their nearest depot:

Click on


Go to third question from end of list:
Is Shell Optimax available at all Shell service stations?"

This will take you to:

"Where to fill up with Shell Optimax
Finding your nearest site
Look out for the Optimax banners and signage on our forecourts or try our easy to use online search facility to locate the nearest site to your home or work place.
Alternatively you can call our Customer Service Centre on freephone 0800 731 8888 or send an email."

Then use the search faciltiy to bring up maps of nearest Optimax stations.

Supermarket petrol??! - Steve S
I'm pleased with the effects of supermarket petrol - it keeps the prices reasonable at the nearest Shell/BP/Esso garages!
Supermarket petrol??! - svpworld
There's one next to the Mercedes dealership off the Pentwyn exit on the A48. Head out towards North Pentwyn (signposted to the Holiday Inn hotel) - 2nd exit on r'about if you are heading in a Newport Direction along the A48. Shell station is just past the dealership and before a speed camera on the next bend!


SVPworld (incorporating PSRworld)
Supermarket petrol??! - <0.One%
Foggy's first post said:
I'd love to hear evryones views, but especially those who work
in the petrochemical industry or in vehicle research!!

If you go to:


you will find that they invite you to "ask an expert:

Dr Cathryn Hickey is one of the UK's leading experts on fuel quality and fuels development. She works closely with motor manufacturers and motoring organisations to ensure that our fuels meet the demanding needs of our customers, and deliver optimum performance for today's driving conditions. You can email Cathryn or see what questions have been asked so far."

How about asking her and telling us know what she says?
Supermarket petrol??! - Andy
My car handbook states use diesel to EN 590 specification. I looked on the diesel pump at Safeways last night ( to use my 20p a litre discount) and it was labelled EN 590. What more can be said.
Supermarket petrol??! - PhilW
How do you get 20p a litre discount?
Supermarket petrol??! - Pat L
It's really weird! I tried Optimax again last but one fill up due to posts here (despite disappointing results last time I tried it back in 2001), and found that the car (Merc 190 1.8E) ran noticeably poorer, but ran better on the next fill up at the supermarket! Why is that? Did the Optimax clean out the pipes etc?

Supermarket petrol??! - Andy
Hi Phil,

If you spend £150 in the store Safeway give you a voucher for 20p a litre off their fuel. The offer starts at 2p for £25 spet up to the maximum of 20p. We usually do aa big shpo once a month to take advantage, fill the car up and it lasts 2-3 weeks.

