According to today's Telegraph, there will be a 3,000 mile rally from Plymouth to Senegal, starting on Boxing Day, for cars costing under £100. I feel very tempted to have a go, but my Polo is not eligible. I have spent more than £100 on it, even though the car itself was free. The Telegraph report says entrants can only spend up to £15 on preparing the car, but this may be a misprint - I would have thought £150 would be more sensible for safety reasons.
Actually I don't think I will be able to get the time off work, but I'm still thinking about what kind of car would stand the best chance of surviving the journey. I reckon a Nissan Bluebird, or maybe a VW Jetta 1.8. Somehow I feel almost morally obliged to have a go at this - perhaps I could persuade my employers that it would be good publicity for them. Maybe even get some sponsorship.
Richard Hall
The Plymouth-Dakar? :)
Maybe I should persuade some of the local banger-owners (there's a few here!) to start from this end, and meet you in Senegal...
How about a 2cv? Could even stretch to the obligatory basket of eggs....
An air-cooled engine probably would be a good idea (old radiators and hoses are the first things to go) so I suppose an old Beetle has to be on the shortlist, too (not so sure about a Fiat 126!)
A Lada Niva might cope better with the rough stuff, but finding one for £100 might be tricky.
I suspect diesel might be the way to go. Ford Sierra 2.3 diesel looks like a good bet - rear wheel drive and a Peugeot engine which any backstreet garage in North Africa will have parts for. One of the guys at work banger-races Sierras, so spares won't be a problem. I have a co-driver lined up - an old friend who owns probably the only Series II diesel Land Rover in Texas, and is therefore mad enough to have a go at something like this. Have e-mailed the organiser for more details.
Richard Hall
TOTH, if you're reading:
You really ought to give your Rover a good send-off.
Fancy WiTW dress as well?
Really fancy this.
Am thinking.
And I always wear WiTW dress... Wouldn't leave home without my tweed plus fours and canary yellow waistcoat!
Parp, Parp!
Note: All Toad posts come with an implied smiley.
(for once!)
In my time I have done a good bit of the similar in Asia (potato vans through the Khyber Pass etc). If anyone is interested in pairing up I would be glad to have a crack at this. I have the time and am available that period following a UK trip for other reasons. I would love to bring Growlette but her passport might be a hassle outside of Europe (not to mention she would distract the locals everywhere she went)
My mechanical skills at banger level are pretty good, and my experience at dealing with alien cultures in tricky situations encyclopedic!
PM me on if anyone wants to discuss further.
Sounds like we've got ourselves a Back Room team! If Growler can get himself a co-driver, and ToTH's Rover makes it as far as Plymouth without blowing up. There's a 2.3 diesel Sierra in the local paper today for £75 - might go and have a look at it later.
Richard Hall
Hopefully HJ will support "" advertisement down the side of the car, and you will drive in glasses and trilbys...
.....and get mistaken for the Blues Brothers?
Has anybody looked into a ballpark figure for the total cost of the event i.e. Hotels ferries etc etc?
Pity the closing date is the end of August, I hope it becomes an annual event, as with a bit more warning I could be seriously interesed.
With cheap hotels, a couple of ferries and a one way air ticket Dakar-London, I am expecting it to cost me around £2,000 - £2,500. Not cheap, but comparable to a decent holiday, cheaper than any of the classic endurance events, and I don't have to rebuild the car at the end of it. I suspect the closing date for entries might be flexible.
Richard Hall