2003 1.4 tdci - leaking fuel pump - DarkMyst

I have a 2003 1.4TDCI with a leaking fuel pump, from what i can see its leaking from the lower solenoid (the one that can be seen only from underneath.)

so i have three questions.

How do i identifiy witch pump is fitted.

Is it possible to change only the leaking soleniod. its big and Fat, with a two wire conection to it.. (black plug)

Is the pump coded to the ecu in any way, if not could i change it myself.. (do have some experiance (and friends).

Why do ford garages treat customer like crap.

Thanks in advance

{subject header changed from "help needed please... Screewloose" as 1) the question is vague, and (2) why shouldn't anyone else be allowed to answer your question? - DD}

Edited by Dynamic Dave on 19/03/2008 at 19:08

Ford 1.4 tdci , help needed please... Screewloose - Screwloose

There are two versions of the SID 804; but that sounds like the fuel pressure control solenoid, does it have green/blue and black/blue cables?. The VIN number should identify which pump is fitted to your car - ask your dealer's Parts.

If Ford don't sell it separately; try a diesel specialist - it could be just the O-rings.

The pumps aren't coded; but they're not fun to change - very like a cam-belt job.
Ford 1.4 tdci , help needed please... Screewloose - DarkMyst

Heres a question,

I have just replaced the fuel Filter on my TDCI, and noticed that theres some typr of electronic sensor in these filters,

What does it do,,, ??
Ford 1.4 tdci , help needed please... Screewloose - Screwloose

Do you mean the fuel-filter heater?
Ford 1.4 tdci , help needed please... Screewloose - DarkMyst
Hi mate {txt slang changed}..

Not sure what it does,, I gave the car a full service today, and a friend put i diag computer on it.,.

Only fault was Fuel temp heat sensor,,, or something like that. I have not replaced this yet,, for two reasons, first i have know idea were it is, and i did not know what the sensor in the fuel filter was..

So i figured it was time to ask an expert.. (you)


Edited by Dynamic Dave on 07/04/2008 at 20:55

Ford 1.4 tdci , help needed please... Screewloose - Screwloose

The fuel temperature sensor is somewhere down the back - cam-belt end.