(2001-) 1.6TS - Revs slow to go down on declutch - Red Baron
Is my 147 1.6TS developing a problem?

When I accelerate in 1st gear up to 6000 rpm and then declutch, the revs take a long time to drop down. If I engage 2nd gear, I get a veritable surge when I lift engage the clutch because the revs are still so high. It takes some three seconds for the revs to drop significantly.

My previous 1.6TS 145 did not do this.

Somewhere I recall reading that this may be due to lack of compression in the cylinders as there is not enough engine brakeing to retard the engine.

Someone has also suggested that it is the clutch release bearing.

The engine uses oil (1.5L in 5000 miles, so far), but mpg is quite good (37mpg).

yet another person who fails to spot the 3 separate requests to include year/engine in the subject header

Edited by Webmaster on 09/02/2008 at 21:48

(2001-) 1.6TS - Revs slow to go down on declutch - Screwloose

This sounds like an idle-speed control issue. It's not compression or clutch release related.

It may be a throttle position sensor fault; but really, it needs plugging in and watching the live-data the ECU is using while the fault is occuring.
(2001-) 1.6TS - Revs slow to go down on declutch - Red Baron
Sorry, Mods...Point taken, although I thought that the year and engine size were irellevant in this case.


Another point to consider:

Freqently, when sitting in neutral (traffic lights, coasting) and I attempt to engage 1st gear, I get the gears graunching/grinding. I don't get this with any other gear, only 1st.

I have experimented with this as I know that there is a good chance of it happening...I engage 1st gear and then come out again and then try to engage 1st gear again. I still get the graunching/grinding. I think that I get this regardless of what I do with the clutch.

(2001-) 1.6TS - Revs slow to go down on declutch - Screwloose

Is it idling too fast?
(2001-) 1.6TS - Revs slow to go down on declutch - Red Baron
No. Idles at just under 1000rpm and evenly at that. This makes me think that the throttle body does not need cleaning. Otherwise the idle would be erratic.
(2001-) 1.6TS - Revs slow to go down on declutch - Screwloose

In that case; you seem to have a dragging clutch, or a 1st gear synchro problem. That wouldn't stop the revs from dropping though.