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Removing rear view mirror mount - Ben Lacey aka ????
Whilst doing some more fantastic modifications to my soon-to-be-featured-in-a-magazine Citroen AX, I managed to snap off the rear view mirror. Oops. So now I'm left with the mount right in the position I want to stick the new one I've got.

How can I remove the pesky mounting point? All the solutions I could find involed hairdryers - I live in a house full of blokes, so hairdryers aren't really available :)
Re: Removing rear view mirror mount - Guy Lacey aka Golf Geek

U will need to use the proper mounting tape when fitting the new one.

Dunno about getting the old one off tho - a hairdryer is the only way methinks - this could be the ideal solution to the old "girl next door" thing - pop round and borrow hers............sweet.

Master of cunning.
Re: Removing rear view mirror mount - Mark (Brazil)

Botts ? Can you explain this name without referring to any anall day activities ?
Re: Removing rear view mirror mount - Guy Lacey aka Golf Geek
Botts; derived from "Benjy-Botts"

One of the many names we used to torment the little scrote with when younger.


Nothing to do with the, now legendary, anall day bender! :-)
Re: Removing rear view mirror mount - David W
A houseful of blokes and no hairdryers...you're living with the wrong sort of "blokes" then.

Now if they were all blokes called "Bob" you'd be away.

Re: Removing rear view mirror mount - Ben Lacey aka ????
Now you see what I had to put up with as a child. No wonder I've turned out the way I have :)

GL - I've got one from Halfords that sticks on using a sucker. Didn't want a repeat of my police incident yesterday (check the website for details) so any RVM would do.

How about using a lighter? Meths? Turpentine? Tesco value vodka?
Re: Removing rear view mirror mount - Dave
razor blade or stanley knife blade Ben oh and Becky still talks about you throwing bangers at old people in phoneboxes if we are reliving old times
Use dental floss to remove....... - Cat Alyst
..... the sticky pad from the windscreen ie use as if cleaning betwwen your teeth.

You may use a bit but it is the best way for getting stuff like double sided foam tape or pads off anything.
Re: Removing rear view mirror mount - terryb
Those suction things never stay up. Proper mirror with the proper stick-to-glass adhesive is the only real answer.

Could try drinking the Tesco value vodka then breathing on it :o)

Removing rear view mirror mount - pjh
do you know where i can get good quality second hand citroen ax parts. i'm looking for gt bumpers, bodykit, interior and wheels if you can help.

With regards your hairdryer problem:
why not buy one from a shop, use it, then take it back claiming it is too hotand has burnt your head. not only do you get the use of a hairdryer for free. you might just get some compo!