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Bought a 309 - David Moore
Bought a 309 for £700 - K93 1.4i GLX, 73000 miles, fairly good history.
What are the main things to look out for?
Oh and its a bit... hesitant at lower revs, seems to chug a little if I try to accelerate hard. Otherwise its great, in very good condition. Could the dodgy running at low revs be dirty injectors?
Re: Bought a 309 - steve
Sounds like you got urself a good deal on that, well done!
Re: Bought a 309 - Keith
1) Rear axle bearings.

The seals go and then the water gets in etc.

If the pathetic outer shell of the bearing wears through then the bearings bear into the axle tube and heavily pit it.

Once this has happened it is new axle time.

Perhaps it is worth stripping down and inspecting parts / replacing seals before it is too late.

At least this model with rear drums means there are plenty of axles in the scrappy. Try finding one for a GTI with rear disks!!!!

2) Have you got a glovebox lid? The hinges break real easily.

3) Valve stem oilseals go at this mileage, at least on the 1.6&1.9. Not to sure about 1.4

They are great cars though. excellent handling, dont tend to rust (if accident damage free) reliable and economical.

Please let us know how you get on with it.
Re: Bought a 309 - martin
take care of HeadGasket, watch out for water leaking into boot via rear lights, this will stain the back seats and dampen the car in general. 309 can be good runners, just keep up the TLC and it should go fine. Good luck.

ps. keep injecotrs clean, even get them serviced, regular oil change (5000miles) not more
Re: Bought a 309 - cambelt!!! - David Moore
I forgot to mention the cambelt change is due according to the handbook. Where do I go for a good price and what can I expect to pay?
Also, is a fuel system cleaner enough to clear the injectors (don't think they're too bad)?
Re: Bought a 309 - cambelt!!! - Dave Lacey aka Dr Dave
The 1.4 unit is a strong motor; the cambelt is a cinch to do.

£69.99 should see it done, no probs :-)