toyota yaris - Girlracer
Can anyone tell me why the over 60's are all becoming Sunday drivers in The New Toyota yaris Verso?
Re: toyota yaris - KB
I didn't know they were.

Re: toyota yaris - David Millar
Strange. I was thinking exactly the same thing today as one slowed suddenly to turn into the local National Trust mansion. Must be careful since HJ's Mum has a Yaris but there does appear to be an extraordinary number of Yaris/Yari/Yarae/Yaris's/Yarisses being driven by people of a certain age and grey or white hair.

I am already mentalling adding it to my list of cars to be wary of when encountered on the road. That used to start with Austin Allegros, then Ladas, 80s Hondas, Skoda Fabias, and most recently Protons. When used in conjunction with a hat, any of these are probably best kept at 50m distance.

More seriously, is this trend in danger of hitting Toyota's image in the same way Honda used to suffer from having buyers with an average age of over 50? Personally, I'd be happy with an MR2 as a retirement vehicle and I have seen an extraordinary number of those being driven by grey templed gents of a certain age.

Re: toyota yaris - KB
If, then, there are disproportionately more 'mature' drivers choosing the Yaris/Yaris Verso, it could be the ease with which you can enter and exit said vehicle. I recently looked at a number of offerings including some 'ordinary ' height hatchbacks such as the Polo, Fabia as well as the Scenic, Zafira, Tino, Corolla Verso, and Picasso. The Yaris is undoubtedly the easiest of the small cars to get in and out of and isn't far short of the Mini MPV's I mention here.
Additionally the Auto is excellent and would appeal to the not so young.

Off now to get some Grecian 2000 to deal with the onset of 'Silver wings'.

Re: toyota yaris - jack
As KB says, it is the ease of access and good driving position that is influencing this choice.

I know a few disabled people who find the Yaris very easy to get in to and to drive.
A horrible little car! - watcher
I hate it when I get one as a courtesy car. The speedo being in the middle of the dash is just about the most ridiculous place for it!

Talk about taking your eyes off the road to see how fast \ slow you are going!
Re: A horrible little car! - spud
The speedo binacle is not dead centre on the dash, whereas the rear view
mirror is. Surley, if you find you have to take your eyes off the road to read
the speedo, then how on earth are you getting on looking in the rear view
IMHO it is ideally placed. When you are looking at the speedo, your line of
vision is just the same as if you were looking at the kerb a few yards forward.
Plus the fact you don't need to re-focus, because Toyota have made it so that
you can see it as if it was set at a greater distance than it is.

Surely, having to re-focus, and look down to just above your knees is more
dangerous than the Yaris's set up?
Re: A horrible little car! - KB
My vote is with spud on this brief point of disagreement. And I've not only borrowed one now and again - I've had 5 of 'em with another on order. The display of your speed in numbers is a positive reminder of your speed and as such aids (a) safety and (b) protection of licence due to lessening the liklihood inadvertant speeding and getting flashed.

Re: toyota yaris - Ian Cook
It probably means that the Yaris Verso is fitted with a chip that prevents anyone over 60 years of age from driving it Mon - Sat.

Re: toyota yaris - David Millar
And it comes with satellite navigation only tuned to National Trust properties once it leaves its natural environment on the South Coast of England.

Cupholders in the back so everyone can pop their false teeth out.
Re: toyota yaris - Union Jack
Gentlemen, *please*! Don't forget that Miss Flather (see "My Yaris is Coming") will be warming up her Chilli Red Yaris for the first time today (albeit not a Verso). Whatever your feelings, that must be better than a Chilly Red Elbow!

Enjoy the ride , Miss F.
