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Tesco towbar turmoil - Deflated Bumpkin
its a precise circular hole, obviously loving crafted by some insomniac (very early Saturday Tesco car park) retired caravan type with a rear view he can't see out of, and it is right in the middle of my so-called bumper, which is naturally that usual colour-coded plasticy stuff they put on cars these days to make us pay out more for nothing.

is it repairable given that there are no cracks just a gun-shot looking thing that is towbar sized, or am I facing the inevitable?
Re: Tesco towbar turmoil - Andrew Hamilton
Usually I see the rear bumper noticeably cracked on the corner. I think the solution is an epoxy filler with paint spray to match existing colour. Unfortunately difficult to match matt finish.
Re: Tesco towbar turmoil - Richard Turpin
Leave it. Tell people in the pub you were shot at. See how many rounds you can get out of it. Fix it just before you sell the car. By then you should get a new bumper cheap from a scrapyard, Meanwhile shop at Sainsbury's.
Re: Tesco towbar turmoil - Tone
Stick a G B stiker over it
Re: Tesco towbar turmoil - paul
Buy a Volvo with black ABS covered, damped RSJs as bumpers, pref with tow bar too.

An escort once skimmed my tow bar, put a nasty dep grouve down the side of it. Mearly took a bit of grease off my tow ball.

Park in parent and child spot at ASDA, very near entrance.

Re: Tesco towbar turmoil - KB
The GB sticker sounds like a good idea. If not, is it vaguely possible you could jigsaw out an opening to accommodate a 'purpose designed, integral flush fitting reversing or fog lamp'?

Otherwise, any chance of rivetting an aluminium cover plate over the hole and maybe even bolting a sort of dummy tow ball on it to reduce the chance of further damage to bumper ( most people seeing a tow bar give you a wider berth).

How about filling with P38 filler and instead of trying to spray it, using a self adhesive decorative or reflective pvc strip or flexible number plate backing strip?

What about using a circular hole cutter on your electric drill to neaten it up then at least you've got a perfectly round hole in which to stick something that looks purposeful.

Re: Tesco towbar turmoil - Godfrey H
Plastic bumpers can now be ecconomically repaired by specialist firms. Have a look in your local yellow pages and get some quotes. Its not worth trying to bodge-it-yourself IMHO.
Re: Tesco towbar turmoil - Deflated Bumpkin
I'd the parent and child parking but I take the child seat out every day because where I park for work the thieving scum that lie in wait in the city will take anything they can sell. Then I forget for the shopping etc etc .... The GB sticker just before I sell sounds best... thanks all
Re: Tesco towbar turmoil - T.G.Webb
I too thought the GB sticker was a good idea.
It's possible that the offender with the towbar might have been an MPV owner. I had a hitch fitted to my Zafira and I've collided with it painfully merely by walking round the back of the car. It must stick out a good 8" as it has to do to in order that the tailgate doesn't foul what you're towing.
Re: Tesco towbar turmoil - Ian Cook
If you fancy having a go with filler, then I suggest P40. It has chopped mat in it and will make a more robust repair.

Re: Tesco towbar turmoil - Bryan L.
I can remember when bumpers were bumpers, if they got bent you could remove them, bash with a club hammer and replace. Not quite as pretty afterwards but did the job and you did't worry too much about a bit of a knock.
Bryan L.