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In the UK next month... - Mark (Brazil)
Anybody want to suggest a car I should rent & then write about ?

1) Must be available from one of the big rental companies
2) Have some respect - not a Fiat Uno or something

(I am willing to accept bribes from car manufacturer's who would prefer I did not drive one of their vehicles).
Re: In the UK next month... - john w.
Rover 75??
Re: In the UK next month... - Andy
Yes, the 75. But the 2.5 V6!
Re: In the UK next month... - Mark (Brazil)
Now that could be, didn't know there was one.

If we can come up with two or three suggestions, I'll see what can be done.
Re: In the UK next month... - Syr Wynff ap Concord y Bos
Toyota Avensis ?
Re: In the UK next month... - pugugly
well, with TIC, a Freelander !!!!!
Re: In the UK next month... - Andrew
The 75 Diesel!

Re: In the UK next month... - Dwight Van Driver

In addition to the Car test would it be possible, using your very developed analytical ability, to give us your impression on the state of this Nation and how you now find us. Like someone from the outside looking in sort of thing.

Should make very interesting reading.

Re: In the UK next month... - Dave Lacey aka Dr Dave
A resounding vote for the 75, then?

Typical Easter weather down here in Somerset today....rain :-(
Re: In the UK next month... - David W

Rover 75 please, diesel to try and find at least one diesel you like....but not an auto.

Re: In the UK next month... - Paul Robinson

I'll vote for the Ford Mondeo. Here in the UK all motoring writers seem to think the car can do no wrong. There also seems to be a suggestion that anything a traditional quality car can do, a Mondeo can do too!

With your experience of a wide range of cars, including many quality cars, your objective view, without undue influence from the maufactures (who are paying the wages of motoring writers via advertising spend)... could be very interesting.


Re: In the UK next month... - Chris M
If a Mondeo can do no wrong. How about a Vectra - a car that can do no right!
Re: In the UK next month... - Ian Cook
If you are bringing the family, have a concern about the alarming increases in muggings and car jacking. Whilst it might be nice to rent something you really like, perhaps something "un-noticeable", or less desirable to thieves might be in order.

Re: In the UK next month... - Honest John
An outsider's opinion of the Vectra would be good. Note the different engine sizes and fuels (in car by car breakdown). Upmarket, it would be good to get Mark's impressions both of a BMW 3-Series and of how the Great British public treat 3-Series drivers. So, with the Rover 75 (try to get the Touring) that makes a choice of three. See you in the pub.

Re: In the UK next month... - pete
The mondeo or focus with the new diesel engine
Re: In the UK next month... - Mark (Brazil)
Vectra, 75 ot 3-Series.

Right, I'll see what I can do.
Re: In the UK next month... - PDP
New Range Rover?
Re: In the UK next month... - steve paterson
Mark, The country will be a better place for your visit.
When are you going back?
Re: In the UK next month... - Mark (Brazil)
Thank you Steve, nice of you to say so.
Re: In the UK next month... - Brian
At this rate you'll land up spending as much time in the UK as Tiny Blur.
Or is it that Tiny Blur will land up spending as much time in the UK as you?