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Rover Electrics - Terry
I have a 1992 rover 416, I noticed recently when braking my hazard indicator lights on dashboard would glow smetimes. Now what happens is that when indicating and applying brakes the indictors speed up, but work normally again when I release brake. It also happens when I put car in reverse.

This fault happens intermittently.

Any ides?

Regards Terry
Re: Rover Electrics - Andy
This kind of thing used to be caused by a poor earth (chassis) connection, which allowed unwanted current to flow inbetween the various lighting circuits.
Look for corrosion and rust around the light clusters, and wiggle any spade connectors you come across.
Re: Rover Electrics - Phil T
I'd go along with Andy's diagnosis as well. Get into those rear light clusters and take off all the earth connections and give 'em a good clean with emery or such like. Certainly sounds like those electrons are having a hard time getting home to me!

Phil T
Re: Rover Electrics - cyclone cyd
Clean up ALL the connections to ALL the lights in the front and rear of the car. Also check for water in the rear light clusters, especially near any connections. If you find you've got leaky rear lights, drill two 5mm holes in the bottom of the lights where they can't be seen but will let out any water.
Check the connections at the fuse box too if this is under the bonnet.
Rover Bulbs - Dave Lacey aka Dr Dave
Changed any bulbs lately?

You wouldn't believe how many incorrect/incorrectly fitted bulbs we get through our workshops; this would also cause the same problem.
Re: Rover Bulbs - Above all
Its a Rover!

Nuff said
Re: Rover Bulbs - Andy
Foul play Sir! When the electrics on Rovers get as bad as Citroen or Fiat, I'll let you know.
Re: Rover Bulbs - David W

And when Citroen get as bad as Fiat I'll let you know.

Re: Rover Bulbs - Andy
That sounds reasonable!
Re: Rover Bulbs - Terry
okay bad earth it is. The handbook shows me 7 earth points. Four of which two at front and two at back are used for light/indicators.
Have found two at front the back two are supposed to be beneath rear light clusters one each side. Can't see them have removed light clusters and still can't find them?

Can't believe I need to start removing boot lining any ideas

Re: Rover Bulbs - Dave B
What do you mean when? Still I guess rovers electrics are not as bad as their mechanicals!