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Fabia user report. - David W

Lets have a full real life user report on the fab Fabia then S.

Re: Fabia user report. - Flat in Fifth

I will when I can prise the keys out of 'er indoors sticky paws. I've just been trusted with the delivery trip so far.

Re: Fabia user report. - Paul Robinson
My Sister-in-law has been running a Fabia SDi Classic for about six months now. For the last 10 years she ran various Peugeot diesels.

She is absolutely delighted with the Fabia, has had no problems and has nothing but praise for the car. Claims that in day to day use, it drives much faster than the performance figures suggest and economy is outstanding!


Re: Fabia user report. - David W

But can you explain how she is treated, like a girl who can't afford a new Mercedes Coupe?


Re: Fabia user report. - Paul Robinson

My Sister-in-Law does not 'network' in the commercial world. She is a University Academic and lives on a farm, I think you can guess the rest of the 'profile'. The Fabia is treated like a piece of farm machinery!


Re: Fabia user report. - David W

Another person up the "comfortable with their own position in life" end of the bar.

Re: Fabia user report. - ajit matthew
Paul, I second that. I hired a Fabia exactly 19sdi for over two weeks and never found it slow....except when entering a roundabout. It was exceptionally comfortable - actually picked up the car after a 12 hour flight and drove it upto Manchester - before one says Selby, I caught 40 winks further up the M1 on the way.

The driving position is great - can be low slung or high as per your wish. With the exception of electric windows, and central locking, it did not feel spartan although dash is hard to touch.
Re: Fabia user report. - Trevor Potter
OK - here goes.
Tdi bought exactly 1 year ago.
Tdi because we drive down to Spain once or twice a year,
BUT it turns out to be (typical for me - more luck than judgement)
by FAR the best engine.
100bhp - now in new Polo.
enough oomph - BUT scores on economy partly because it's VERY high geared ( 3 in 5th is 93!!!).
Downside to this gearing - 'er indoors did not like it AT ALL during test drive - reason you HAVE to be in right gear. Like 3rd gear at 40!!.
Overall economy for 9100 miles - 59.7!!
Comfortable, plenty of room for 4 x 6 footers.
Dealer (just had it serviced) very efficient and friendly (what would madam prefer - we pickup / deliver car or you have a complimentary car? - She settled on them driving her into town for shopping (lucky me) and picking her up exactly at agreed time).
TARDIS interior - (there must be a few out there to remember that). Smothers bumps like bigger car. Steering could be sharper.

That do for now?
Re: Fabia user report. - Mark (Brazil)
>>TARDIS interior - (there must be a few out there to remember that).

I saw Dr. Who and the Daleks at "Saturday Morning Pictures". Does that count ?
Re: Fabia user report. - ian (cape town)
Time And Relative Dimension In Space.
(Dons anorak)
To keep it on Motoring, remember Jon Pertwee's yellow car?
What was it called?
Pertwee was the best Doctor, better than that ponce with the big hat (Tom Baker?) or the other chap from All creatures great and small - I kept expecting him to put his hand up a sheep's bottom ...
Damn, Blue Peter and Doctor Who all in one day... is this HJ's backroom or TV Nostalgia?
Re: Fabia user report. - Mark (Brazil)
you know not of what you speak - William Hartnell was the best Doctor, although Patrick Troughton was pretty good.

In case you care...

William Hartnell
Patrick Troughton
Jon Pertwee
Peter Davison
Colin Baker
some little guy, Sylvester something or other
one of the McGann brothers.

Mind you, Tom Baker did have Sarah Jane Smith (Elisabeth Sladen), who I had the raging hots for, even at that age. Leela just wasn't the same. She partnered with Jon Pertwee as well.

Jon Pertwee's car was called "Bessie". (motoring link)

So, how sad am I ????
Dr Who. - David W
Bessie was a kit car of some kind I guess.

Re: Dr Who. - ian (cape town)
Nope - some vintage thing. I'm sure the arch-anorak from Ipanema can assist... ;)

Re: Dr Who. - David W
Yes it looks vintage but I'm sure it was based on an old Escort or something.

Re: Fabia user report. - Ian L

You missed Tom Baker in your chronological list of the Doctors.

Sylvester McCoy (originally from Vision On kids tv program)

Ian L.

PS, Leela was with Tom backer not Jon Pertwee.
Re: Fabia user report. - Mark (Brazil)
I did miss Tom Baker.

Sylvester McCoy indeed.

As for Leela, I knew that, and if you read what I wrote with such appalling grammar, its just possible to see that the "she" referred to Sarah Jane, rather than Leela.

Sarah Jane was still best.
Re: Fabia user report. - David W
What about Peri.

Re: Fabia user report. - Stephane
And Sylvester's assistant was, of course, Ace (played by Sophie Aldred, who could be found on Children's BBC).
Re: Fabia user report. - Mark (Brazil)
David - Nicola Bryant ? Hah - Sarah Jane was better !!
Re: Fabia user report. - Ian L
I am just waiting for my 2 year old to be old enough to trust with my Dr Who and Bessie 100 piece jigsaw puzzle (all pieces present and still in original box). Sad or what!

Re: Fabia user report. - Mark (Brazil)
>>I am just waiting for my 2 year old to be old enough to trust with my Dr Who ..............

Old enough for such a thing would be about 35 yrs, IMO. Can't be trusting kids with something like that.
Re: Fabia user report. - Randolph Lee
I would like to get my hands on the BBC prat who ordered the burning of so many of the old kinescopes of the early shows to recover about £ 3 7s and 6 pence worth of silver from them!

BTW Bessie can be seen at the Dr. Who Experience in Llangollen still along with all sorts of ephemera from the series... sad to say many items have not taken well to even modern conservation methods (see the Smithsonian web site for info on the attempts to preserver the real space suits of the 60s!) as plastic will be with us for a very short time when compared to the natural things normally conserved... if you have ridden the steam train and the weather is not conducive to walking the town and the canal pathways then a pleasant few hours can be spent here at the end of a lovely drive in the welsh hills


Nantucket Island, U.S.A.
Doctoring the Tardis. - David W
We still need to know, what manner of vehicle was Bessie?

Mark, I thought Peri was perfectly equipped for all that time travel.

Re: Doctoring the Tardis. - Randolph Lee
Bessie was a popular but limited edition model kit-car of the time put out by Siva Engineering Sales of Weymouth, Dorset and designed to fit on the Ford Anglia chasis. I think it went out of production altogether by the late 1970s, and I've never seen an analogous model in any kit car catalogue put out anytime in the last ten years or so.
Re: Doctoring the Tardis. - David W

Excellent thanks, I thought it was Ford based but hadn't thought as far back as the Anglia.

Re: Doctoring the Tardis. - Randolph Lee
DAvid,In about 197x at the hight of my Dr. Fever I looked into getting one for myself and I think my memory is right... it was an old doner to use even then, but the intent was never to go more than 30-40 mph for me... the real one at the show has quite a few nice add ons due to the BBC prop dept... when I made my inquiry they said that had sold about 180 kits so perhaps there are a few around some where... old kit cars tend to end up behind the barn like old landrovers rather than going to the scrapheap I think.
