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Jazz Test Drive - Spud
Because I've nearly lost all hope of getting a Yaris D-4D, today I test drove the New Honda Jazz. It's a nice little car, but the biggest problems I found were: A. The front pilars are very wide and I found myself shifting my head from side to side to ensure all was clear especially on roundabouts. B. The ride I found to be extremely firm to the point where after only a mile or so I had almost decided that I would reject it for that alone. My frequent Cornwall run wouldn't be a very enjoyable experience at all. C. Very poor visibility when reversing. What a shame because it looks a nice little car. I'm going to sleep on it though, but the ride quality is what has let it down in my eyes. Everything else seemed fine. Nice little engine. Good brakes. Light clutch. Looks like I may have to hang on for the D-4D after all. Thats assuming Toyota can bother to let anyone know when it's going to be available.
Re: Jazz Test Drive - Dan J
Do you not fancy a petrol Yaris? I know the economy of that D4-D is tempting but will the increased service costs outweigh what is pretty damn good economy from the petrol?

Good luck with whatever you choose. I remember trying to get information out of Vauxhall regarding a customer offer they were due to start a few days afterwards - I had never properly experienced where the term "blood out of a stone" came from until that moment. I gave up phoning in the end and managed to prise an email address for someone from the customer helpline. Someone kindly responded to me, explaining the situation, two weeks after it appeared on the Vauxhall website...

Have fun!

Re: Jazz Test Drive - Spud
Thanks Dan. I don't expect there to be any increase in maintenance. I have been told by my Toyota Dealer that due to advanced engineering, the new D-4D engine will require the same servicing as petrol cars. E.G. Oil change at 10K and a proper service every 20K. I could be proven wrong on this of course but that is what I have been told by a Toyota Dealer. My main reason for the diesel is that I consider it to be a far more relaxed drive than with petrol. Thanks for your input. It is much appreciated.
Re: Jazz Test Drive - Dan J
Well, SWMBO has had her eye on one for a while now and will not be persuaded into anything else. She's just getting used to being on the roads again in a clapped out Cavalier but she's set her sights on a CDX 1.3 and will probably go for it in about 6 months (after I have beat a very nasty habit of holding the car on the clutch out of her). When we took one for a test drive, given her lack of experience at the time, it was me who spent much of the time behind the wheel - I have to say I hate driving small cars, don't feel safe generally and usually find they feel "cheap". The Yaris has even got me thinking if I need such large petrol bills as well so there you go. The seating position is marvellous, the car is a pleasure to drive, feels larger than it is and the ease of steering is superb without actually taking the feel of the road away from you. My only possibly gripe could be that it didn't feel too quick off the mark but I am used to a much faster car and we test drove the 1.0.

Even HJ recommended his mother buy one they are that good!

Is it worth asking where it will come from or whether you might get a choice? HJ mentions French build quality problems and personally I think I'd rather have one built elsewhere if poss.

Cards on the table just test drive the ones you think you might like - Gut instint will probably tell you before you've driven the car 500 yards what to go for. I test drove god knows how many cars after swearing I wouldn't buy a Vectra and what did I leave with... Have a think about it, make your decision then go for it!


Re: Jazz Test Drive - Neil
Why not go for the New Polo, Seat Ibiza, or Skoda Fabia?

Having had a 24 hour Fabia test-drive, and having sat in my mum-in-law's Yaris for a 50 mile trip, I can say hand-on-heart that the Fabia is by far the nicer place to be in terms of sense of quality, ergonomics, and drive.

Unfortunately, I couldn't stretch to buying the Fabia and settled on a Ka. A lot of the switch-gear in the Fabia is lifted from the Golf/A2/A3/A4 and it is this aspirational environment which is a joy to use - if we have a long journey over the weekend, Mrs C likes to have a bit of a sleep in the Golf TDI - the only time I get to drive it!
Re: Jazz Test Drive - Spud
Neil thanks for throwing more otions into the pot, can't you see I'm confused enough as it is. LOL. Fabia? Hmmm... not sure about that. To me it looks quite dated already. I don't mind it being a Skoda but it's still a lot of money when considering the diesels. Thanks, I'll chew it over.
Re: Jazz Test Drive - Neil
To me the Fabia seemed to represent the cleaner lines of an Audi, compared to VW.

Although I love the way modern diesels drive I would struggle to justify the additional purchase cost unless doing a high mileage.

A 1.4 TDI PD 75 5dr Polo S with metallic paint should be around 11400.
A 1.4 75 5dr Polo S with metallic paint should be around 10500.
A 1.2 65 5dr Polo S with metallic paint should be around 10150.

A 1.4 16V Fabia Comfort with metallic and ABS should be around 9800.
A 1.9 TDI Fabia Comfort with metallic paint should be around 10200.

It's worth noting that the 1.2 FSI engine in the Polo has similar economy (maybe better) than the 1.9TDI.

It's also worth factoring in depreciation costs. Do this with the help of FleetNewsNet.co.uk and Glass.co.uk. Both sites are mines of useful motoring information.

As a sub-thirtysomething I'm waiting for the new Ibiza, and Mrs C will be after the new BMW Compact. . . in a couple of years.
Re: Jazz Test Drive - Flat in Fifth
I had a go in Jazz, Fabia and Yaris. Had a look at a pre launch Polo.

Jazz I rejected for the firm ride alone, though most everything else was OK.

Yaris, nice car indeed, but must admit I was biased against it from the outset due to a really stupid thing. The rear seat was fully forward to increase the boot space and looking at the boot space I wondered how big it would be when seat in normal position. If you'd ever seen my missus after a mega Tesco trip!A stupid thing to allow it to put one off quite a nice car.

Polo thought it was expensive for what it was.

Fabia, well liked it, would agree with Neil's comments and about to order one. OK so its basic and simple but not so many things to go wrong, and I've seen what colleagues in Czech do to them and they still run OK. So Fabia it is for SWMBO, just waiting for that quote......

Earth to moon base, Gary Bain are you receiving me? I know it's gone mad at your end but the readies are burning a hole..........
Re: Jazz Test Drive - Flat in Fifth
Spud, what about the Fabia combi? sorry I mean Estate I was in euro mode?

nicest looking of the bunch IMHO! Which diesel are you thinking of?
Re: Jazz Test Drive - lada riva owner.
what about the citroen C3, it looks nice, is spacious, has loads of cubby holes, and its got a good ride (when you think its the comfort that you need when you buy a car, the honda just doesnt make it)
Re: Citroen Test Drive - Neil
This would be the Citroen C3 that doesn't appear to be reviewed by Auto Express, 4Car, FleetNewsNet, or available to buy - according to the Citroen website.
Re: Citroen Test Drive - lada riva owner.
the C3 is available to buy at the end of march, it can be seen in the car-by-car breakdown on this website.
Re: Jazz Test Drive - KB
Spud / FIF, Interested to hear what you say.

Presumably you've driven a Yaris, Spud, and found the Jazz to be firmer. I looked at, but didn't drive, the Jazz and am a bit concerned by what you and F.I.F say.

I have thought that my Yaris's ride was ever so slightly bumpy but not enough to worry about. If you're saying that the Jazz is worse, then that's a shame and I will have to drive one myself before thinking about changing. I rather assumed that it would drive OK, as do most new cars.

F.I.F The Fabia Estate is something to look at - nice engine (TDi), bags of space in the back but when I enquired last year, they were thin on the ground hence little discount and not easy to get abroad. Yes the Yaris boot is small - it's OK for us as there's only two of us, but the Jazz is certainly more practical, For fiscal reasons, I would only buy abroad as I don't like the idea of losing so much otherwise.

Thanks for your input on this one.

Re: Jazz Test Drive - KB

Saw your advice re. Citroen and Honda.

How was the Honda Jazz when you drove it? It's only been out a couple of days - you were quick off the mark getting a test drive in one. How do you think it compares with the Yaris's that you've driven. How did the C3 feel when you drove that one?

Which one will you get ?- be interested to know. Are you buying soon?

Look forward to your comments.

Re: Jazz Test Drive - lada riva owner.
with the honda jazz, the ride was rough, it is aimed at the younger market so it has 'sporty' suspension, but when we tested the citroen C3 we found it was a wonderful little car, it glided over potholes. the reason we were testing these cars was because my sister has just passed her test, so she is looking for a supermini.
Re: Citroen Test Drive - KB
True, but LAS knows his stuff, so I value his judgement and look forward to getting his advice.

Re: Citroen Test Drive - KB

What was your experience with the Fabia? Which model are you up for? Is GB the chap from Showroom4cars/broker4cars?.

It'll be interesting to see how you get on. I'll look out for your updates on it.

What a shame the Jazz put you off with it's ride. It's hard to understand why it has to be like that - they're not mad at Honda and know what customers want - surely they'll have to make a couple of changes to sort it out?

Re: Citroen Test Drive - KB
F.I.F. You got me thinking. I thought I was settled on the Honda if I was going to change the Yaris for another. Am getting confused what I DO want.

Have fished out an earlier Fabia brochure from the drawer and have sent off for a new one. The Skoda website doesn't seem to work for me but never mind.

The TD Comfort or Elegance Estate is the one that would take my fancy. (£1300 difference between the two!)

I hate to make mention of this hackneyed point, but, my Mrs. (who isn't that bothered about cars) still says she's not too sure about the Skoda badge. If I'm honest, I suppose I still have a slight niggling doubt myself despite knowing all I know about the revolutionary changes at Skoda.

Re: Citroen Test Drive - Phil
I have driven a Fabia TDI and I thought it was fantastic. Feels like a much bigger car, and is really well put together inside - nice switchgear etc. The PD100 engine makes it go like the clappers with all that torque. It is a bit pricey though.
Fabias - Flat in Fifth

Do you mind if I answer most of your questions off site? I'll do an email straight after this post.

One interesting thing about the Skoda badge. We visited some friends a few days ago and he had a replacement company car as he'd rear ended somebody in his Vectra. The replacement was an Octavia Estate 1.9TDI. He thought it was OK, and thought it drove really well but you should have heard his missus. Going on something chronic about the *shame* of having a Skoda outside. BTW the shame I just put in bold but it should be in 48 point font, double underlined I kid you not how she went on.

At this point SWMBO pipes up with, "Well actually we are thinking......." I'll not go into the conversation from there on suffice to say as we drove away some time later SWMBO pipes up with, "That has made me even *more* determined to have a Skoda" which I thought was an interesting and unexpected response.

In summary just so I don't get a slagging from Lada for continuing this off site, not that I care two pips what the pink prat thinks. If you want lots of goodies, then you buy a Renault, if you want a proper car you look at the engineering, take a test drive and use your judgement. Nuff said?

Oh and the boot is big enough to hold enough scuttle plates, even the unwanted 48 hole versions till I retire.

Re: Fabias - KB
Thanks for that, F.I.F. Hear from you later.
Re: Jazz Test Drive - Union Jack
Evil Moaner - For an awful moment, I thought that you were using the regal "we"!

Re: Jazz Test Drive - Spud
Well, I've slept on it and have decided against the Honda Jazz.
It would have been so easy to let my heart rule my head and gone for it, but,
I am certain I would have regretted it. It will be very interesting to track this car now to see how many people have test drives and come away with the same conclusion. Thanks to one and all who threw in their two cents. I'm gonna wait for the Yaris D-4D afterall. It had better be worth it.
Re: Jazz Test Drive - KB
Let us know about it when it comes. Don't forget to put derv in it not petrol. Easy done and a real hassle if you put more than a few pints in.

Re: Jazz Test Drive - Honest John
Toyota has just announced that the Yaris D-4D is now available on the UK market at prices from £8,395 for the 3-dor S model with standard PAS. That's cheap. Haven't had time to post this because I've been in France testing the new Citroen C3 1.4HDI, 1.4 auto and 1.6 16v. Wiil post road test of C3 once Martyn gets back.