I'm considering a new 156. Would appreciate any opinons on the reliabilty of the latest models.
Also where's the cheapest place to buy?
Finland and Denmark,depreciate like hell in mainland europe
I think the model is due to be updated this year.
It allready has on mainland europe
From April the 2.0 TS will become 10 bhp more powerful (renamed JTS) and all model variants will have a revised interior.
Ireland and Denmark are good for imports.
In the UK www.trade-sales.co.uk usually have several available at low prices.
If well looked after they are reliable , its the poor dealer network which annoys most owners i have spoken to. Fortunately there are many Alfa specialists who will look after your servicing needs.
If you are feeling brave BCA auctions hold Fiat/Alfa sales regularly. you will find typically 6 month old examples going thru direct from Fiat Auto.Some are ex-rental but usually in good condition.
A excellent Alfa Romeo site for you to find out more www.alfaowner.com
Its a fantastic car , go on let your heart rule your head !
Got a report from a reader who had enjoyed something like 60,000 miles from his company owned 156 2.5V6 5-speed without any problems at all. Now that made me really jealous. The ecstacy without the agony.
Isnt it amazing that a company that can design such a wonderful car,traditionally on the back of a menu,cant stay interested long enough to actually do the bloody nuts up tight?
Why dont they import a load of german Gastarbeiters to do the noxious manufacturing bit for them and save themselves the embarassment?
I had a lovely Sud Sprint once,or rather The Lovely Victoria did,I was in a position to know that ,design wise,this made the much vaunted Scirocco look like a badly redesigned Golf(It was..).But build quality........ohmy gawd.....it was so bad that you had to go and have a lie down to believe it.
I started to see the products of BL as reliability alternatives.