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Broken wheel bolt - Ben Chapman
I tried to remove one of the front wheels on my car this afternoon and managed to snap the bolt. With the disc removed there is about 1cm of bolt protruding from the hub. Does anyone have any advice how i might get this bolt out? And is it safe to drive gently with only three bolts?

Re: Broken wheel bolt - Richard Hall
I would use a hacksaw blade to cut a slot across it, heat it with a blowtorch, then take it out with an impact driver. I suppose you could run it with one bolt missing as a temporary measure (unless it's a Citroen AX) but I doubt your insurance company will be very impressed if the wheel falls off. The fact that it snapped in the first place is a bit worrying. If it is due to metal fatigue, then what condition are the other bolts in? I've had studs break on old BL cars, but they are thin spindly things - most wheel bolts I have seen are a lot bigger. On the other hand, if it had rusted solid and you were using a 6 foot scaffold pole on the end of a breaker bar to undo it, you probably don't have a lot to worry about.
Re: Broken wheel bolt - Ben Chapman
That sound like a good idea. However, a friend of mine has told me it is possible to buy new hub centres for about £15 and get them pressed into the bearings.
I was my fault really, i had not long put the bolt in. I had used hubs i bought from a scrap yard for my "big brake" conversion. There was loads of rust in the threads. I put grease on bolt but it didnt maek much difference. I had to use a lot of force to get the bolt tight up to the wheel when i assembled. I just used a wheel brace, about 12-13" inches long, and pushed really hard and it just ripped off. I think i will buy a complete new set off wheel nuts when i got to VAG.

Re: Broken wheel bolt - Alyn Beattie
Think I would try a stud extractor along with some heat
Re: Broken wheel bolt - Mark (Brazil)
Isn`t 1cm enough for some large molegrips and a torch ?
Re: Broken wheel bolt - David W

Do consider any damage to the thread in the hub from this episode. At £15 I might be tempted to buy a new hub.

Re: Broken wheel bolt - Ben Chapman
I think your right, im just lazy. I if get a new hub centre i will have to remove the hub completely, and then find somewhere to take it to, where they will be able to press out the existing one and replace with the new one, without damaging the bearigs.

Re: Broken wheel bolt - Ian Cook
Guys - been there, seen this, and done it!

It happened on my son's Punto and had been caused when the monkeys at the local tyre fitting depot cross threaded a bolt, using their air gun.

I don't think there is any other way a bolt can be so tight that it will snap. If it's tight because the bolt has "rusted" to the wheel then its not the thread that's under strain. If it's tight to the point where the bolt has twisted and snapped, then it's cross threaded.

The only cure, in my view, is a new hub because, even if you get it out, the thread in the hub will be ruined.

Re: Broken wheel bolt - Ben Chapman
True. I dont believe i did the nut up that tight. I think the monkey that bled the brakes must have removed the wheel and re-tightned the bolt with an air gun. That will teach me to be a cheap skate!
BTW does anyone know how to remove the CV joint itself on a mk.2 16v? I have stripped everything down, just cant get the cv joint off the drive shaft.

Thanks for everyones help,

Re: Broken wheel bolt - Richard Hall
Don't bother trying to recover the old wheel bearing - it will come off in several pieces whatever you do. Buy a new one - they aren't usually expensive and it will save you a lot of hassle.
Re: Broken wheel bolt - Big Vern
VW Golf wheel bearings < £15 from German Swedish & French if my memory serves me well. (August /sept 2001)
Re: Broken wheel bolt - Steve G
Might be a circlip holding the cv joint on. This has caught me out before (on Vauxhalls though).
Re: Broken wheel bolt - Richard Hall
On Mk1 Golfs there is a snap ring round the end of the driveshaft, which fits inside a groove in the CV joint. You hold the shaft in one hand, and give the joint a sharp tap with a hammer (on the inner part where it fits onto the shaft), which should free it. I have no idea whether the same system was used on later Golfs.
Re: Broken wheel bolt - Ben Chapman
Thats right. I finished the job today. I couldnt get the circlip off to replace it. Strangely, i found the suplied metal clips to hold the cv boot on were too bg for the job. I needed the car done today so i used two zip ties on both ends of the boot. Should be ok for a while.
I think i may have to get some new wheels bearings- i just annoyed the ones in the hub have only done 100miles!!
