"ASTON MARTIN ... is to stop selling "sex and bondage" accessories after incurring the wrath of one of the company's straightlaced US owners.
Silver handcuff key rings, leather underwear and a "handcuff buckle" belt were included in a catalogue launched by the company shortly before Christmas in an attempt to "sharpen" its image." ...
The mind boggles ...
Does that mean that mine will be collectors items now ?
You went for the leather underpants, didn't you? :)
I got the whole works. I'm a little disappointed with where some of the badges are located though, ouch !
What's this bondage: addiction to a defunct make of car, or what we sometimes had to do to keep our cars together?
Whatever, Supras do not need it!
Blast it, beat me to it! Know any good Supra sites?
If the company's owner is strait-laced as suggested maybe he's using somebody else's S and M kit and resents the competition. Must have missed out the ball-gag....
"Among the items which will be absent when the revised Aston Martin catalogue goes out next month will be ..... "perforated leather boxing shorts", which were on sale for £495."
Ian - You're a fine one to be teasing Kevin! Surely the modestly priced "boxing shorts" would be perfect for your big fight with Dave - or is that on hold?
Kevin - Whether your underpants become a collectors' item or not will largely depend on whether they are mint or used, and not whether the badges are a pain in the a***!
Anyway, I don't believe that James Bond would have worn the underpants for fear of cramping his style - and other parts of his anatomy.
I always thought that gimps drove astons.
Only joking btw.