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One to watch - T.G.Webb
The US government has recently taken a step which is both under reported but hugely significant on a 20 year horizon.
The preceding Federal programme to deliver ever more efficient petrol driven cars has been aborted, leaving the hybrid vehicle to plug the gap.
As I understand it, it ropes in the major US makers to develop the hydrogen economy in transport. What this may mean is that when the end of the petroleum economy inevitably comes, Europe and elsewhere will find themselves complying with the US technology and standards touching on propulsion and hydrogen storage and distribution.
Not necessarily a bad thing, you're using Windows aren't you?
However, unless the Europeans get their act together and see this one coming they're going to be in a permanently subordinate role.
See todays www.boston.com
Re: One to watch - THe Growler
The signs are there is all respects especially since 9/11 that the US will go its own way, politically, economicallt and every other way. It does not take the EU particularly seriously under all the diplomatic hype. Europe already has the long term seeds of deterioration well sown with the monster it has created.
Re: One to watch - Alwyn
Am I too old to emigrate?
Re: One to watch - The Real Bogush
The US?

The Arabs saw the writing on the wall even earlier (and are front runners in fuel cell technology).

The Brits, of course, being at the forefront of science, technology, and engineering are "managed" by politicians and "entrepreneurs" who can't see beyond squeezing the last drop of "profit" out of their current golden goose, before killing it to find any remaining unlaid eggs.


Re: One to watch - KB
Re: One to watch - ROBIN
You can do all this,of course.
Or you can just get mothers to explain to Children what their legs are for and make them walk to school,or at least catch a bus.
Worked for me and my children,doesnt seem to be causing terminal fatigue to my grandson either.
Before you ask......the number of perverts,as a percentage of the population ,remains constant.
Re: One to watch - THe Growler
Further on this one, paraphrased from Saturday's Times:

Quote: "the US developed Arab oil with US technology and money and created the market for it. Therefore it's 'their' (the US's )oil". The corollary of course being that without the US the Sauds would still be sitting on top of the stuff in their tents.
Re: One to watch - ROBIN
Well,yes,we all know that,and because I find no particular reason for recognising these potty little autocracies as sovereign statesI cannot,for the life of me,understand why we pay them for it.All it does is destabilise the region even more.