Is there a piack up on the market that has seats, 2 or 4 doors and is not as high as the Toyota. This type makes it difficult to lift heavy objects on the back.
Which Toyota ?
If you are talking about the Hi-Lux there are several different models of different heights and configurations. Whether these are available in the UK I couldn't say.
The suspension heights, 4WD or 2WD arrangements, interior config, load space config, are all variable.
If you wish, I can send details from here which may serve to show you what is possible.
Stephen: Try
The Toyota range her is pretty comprehensive.
Don't be soft, get a Ford F150. Monster machines.
> Don't be soft, get a Ford F150. Monster machines.
Hah, girlie machine.
Now my Dodge Ram twin-cab on the other hand....
I saw loads of these 2 vehicles in canada. Monsters. But then again, the parking bays were ample for these.
Some enterprising people even had snow ploughs hooked onto the fronts and make a quick buck clearing peoples drives in the morning.
Wouldn't like to get 'bumped' by one though.
> Hah, girlie machine.
Wow... I think that'll be fight'n talk to Growler !
"Growler..? Growler..? What's that pickup you've got ?
How about the Ford Ranger (Mazda based).
My experience was it towed better than an Explorer, very comfortable, and still achieved 25mpg towing a Mondeo Estate on a car transporter all the way up to Scotland. It had 4 doors, AC & electric windows on the model I was using.
Hope this helps
Good recommendation, and I agree. But it depends which Toyota Pick-up and which Ranger for that matter, is being considered.
As I said, I don't know what is available in the UK, but out here both those trucks come in a variety of heights, weights, power and drive-train.
Careful with the assumptions guys.
Want to know a real girlie four seater pick-up?
Friend of ours has a extra long wheelbase (130) double cab Land Rover. TDI engine. Pick-up back with canvas tilt. Met blue paint with monster alloys and a stonking great winch on the front.
She *is* a girlie and it is her's not a boyfriend's.
Any bloke she meets is going to struggle and match up to that in the macho stakes.
PS. She's about 5ft 1in and 8stone before there are any comments about Fenland amazons.
that's as maybe, but the last girlie I was discussing Landrovers with in the Fens actually wants hers painted pink !! And never mind Amazons, she was about 2ft tall and slim.
That's the only problem with a "family" Land Rover Mark. On 7.50s in particular the kids need to be about 12yrs old before they can get up into the thing.
They're still very keen though.
The Ford Ranger is a pig to drive. Without a load on board the rear axle locks up whenever you brake. Horrible thing.
Point taken. I've only driven one with a large load that the vehicle coped with far better than the Explorer I was also using at the time.
Ford Lariat 150's. Yep, got one, and it rips strips off the opposition.
Sensibly now, I rate the Mitsubishi. I ran it 4 years, beat the bejesus out of it and it never gave trouble. Tailgate height on the non 4WD would seem manageable (I just had a look at one parked across the road). My pal runs an Isuzu, (badged as a Chevy in UK I do believe), which is a not very pretty thing with an engine that rattles like a biscuit tin full of nuts and bolts, but it has a bigger rear passenger area than the Mitsubishi. Again he rates it as excellent value.