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Brown Sympathy - Brian
I know that Gordon Brown is often not quite the flavour of the month for his penal taxation of everything on the road, but I am sure that Backroomers would join me in extending our best wishes for a happy outcome to his current family problems.
Re: Brown Sympathy - Dan J
Here here Brian - It must be a terrible time for them and my fingers are crossed for them.

Re: Brown Sympathy - Andy
Quite right. I can't stand this government and I take every opportunity to point out their failures. However, after seeing GB's joy at his new child, it is very upsetting to hear that things are going wrong. He and his wife must be going through hell. Let's hope it turns out OK.
Re: Brown Sympathy - Mark (Brazil)
Could someone let me know what has happened ?
Re: Brown Sympathy - Dan J
For Mark and anybody else outside the UK:


Re: Brown Sympathy - Better be anonymous on this on
This is very sad and I hope that she makes a full recovery.

Having said that - and I am not being callous here. I bet that she is getting all the stops pulled out, and receiving better treatment than someone else would. I would also wager that the doctors wish they could treat them the same as any other family (ie attention divided between 50 other patients), which would let Mr B know just how underfunded the health service is and may induce him to put his fist into the "war chest" and start paying out.
Re: Brown Sympathy - Honest John
Well yes. The Browns have my sympathy too.

Re: Brown Sympathy - Dave
I pity the guy more than I can express.

...and I don't see any need for the media to cover *any* of this.

We didn't need to know he'd had a child and we didn't need to know there are such grave concerns for it's welfare.
Re: Brown Sympathy - ladas are slow
i really feel sorry for the brown family, lets just hope the little lass gets better.
Re: Brown Sympathy - Dave
I sort of agree Mr BBAOTO. But

a) The hypocracy of self serving politicians shouldn't be punished by the death of anyone let alone a child.

b) I'd think that someone as wealthy a Mr Brown would ease the load on the NHS and go private.

c) I'd also think that the NHS pull out the stops for *all* sick children.
Re: Brown Sympathy - Otto
Please don't let this thread degenerate into another rant at the Government.
Re: Brown Sympathy - Honest John
Otto's right. We've expressed our feelings. We desperately want the baby to survive without being damaged in any way. Let's leave it at that.

Tragic - Better be anonymous on this on
CHANCELLOR Gordon Brown's baby daughter Jennifer Jane died in hospital today, NHS Lothian announced.

This is very sad news indeed.
Re: Tragic - FfwlCymraeg
Thoughts and prayers go to Gordon and Sarah.