ive just bought a 1999 1.6 16v astra sxi.
its got a misfire thats hard to pin down. it feels electrical but im hopeing its sticky valves.
ive tried 2 forte gas treatments, one in the almost empty tank and one straight down the manifold via a vacuum pipe. the treatments appeared to have helped, but later roadtest proved otherwise.
ive fitted new plugs but ive got a feeling its the coilpack.
does anyone know any other tests before i buy the coil pack?
Have you checked the manifold vacuum? Sticky valves will cause the gauge to flutter. A long flush and refill with the correct grade oil will ease clogged lifters. If this car has the cassette coil pack directly on the plugs they are notoriously unreliable (£112) but can be checked by looking at the coil primary patterns on a scope.If more 'traditional' with separate HT leads check the resistance of each lead, should be around 12-20kOhms, an open circuit lead shows up clearly! Other suggestions are manifold air leaks (squirt around manifold with carb cleaner) or split vac hoses.
Good luck
Simplicate and add lightness!!
im borowing a friends astra tomorrow so ill try his coil pack