I have a symbol on the dash which appears at mototway speeds...a small oilcan with the word HI after. It is situated behind the trip mileage: I have checked the oil and it seems fine and yet this symbol persists. (The car is a merc c220 diesel} Any wisdom much appreciated.
I don't know for sure but it could be an oil pressure is too high warning, the dash on my Polo used to audibly buzz (very loud) with a red oil lamp, scared the !!!# out of me.
You might have too much oil in your car, has it been changed recently? (that is what happened to my Polo, it was one of the rare occasions I let someone else do a service to my car, put a full 5litres into a 3.5 litre capacity engine!!!!!). If your oil level is ok it could be some blocked oilways in the head.
Someone else will give more info.
Any indication in the manual?
Calm down people.
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Sed quis moderates ipsos moderatores (with apologies to scholars)
Barny, I'd phone a Merc dealer if I were you. It could be an oil pressure warning light shorting or something.
Sometimes the electronics can give too much information and are a pain when they go wrong but still it could also be something serious and could lead to you wrecking your engine.
BL. used to fit high oil pressure warning lamps, it indicated when the oil filter needed changing.