Sorry for your lose.
Early morning, February, raining. Don't think they were pleasure bikers. Think they were just poor sods trying to get to work before their circulation cut off (yeah for heated grips).
Born agains tend to ride thier bikes only when the sun shines.
Absolutely right, the safest place to stop is betwen the queue of cars, not outside them.
However, sometimes, motorcyclists are forced to stop in the middle of the road by car drivers who push them over the white line. Filtering is allowed in the highway code and DAS books but lots of car drivers seem to resent this.
Thommo! Words fail me! You are in a beautiful part of Asia which is as close to biker heaven as you can get (and I will not even so much as dwell on the other delights) and all you can do is worry about minor matters in overtaxed, over-governed, lousy-weathered Britain! White lines, who gives a rat's posterior? You're in one of the last places on the planet worth living in (ok ok Ian I hear CPT's Ok too).
May I suggest a short trip to your nearest bar (OK vest and flip-flops no problem) and a judicious ingestion of the product of the Singha Brewery. This along with an investment in attempting to understand the rich history and culture of this beautiful country with a bit of help from one the ever-present young and eager "tourist guides" will surely restore your sense of the fitness of things.
Report back when you've done this.
.....Growler out
Beautifully combining two threads I once stopped on my bike in the Edgware Road at the front of the queue at traffic lights , positioned on the outside and slightly in front of an already stopped car and put my left foot down close to his front wheel.
As the lights were due to change he started to gently creep forward and I suddenly felt his tyre literally pushing against my boot which I removed pretty sharpish .
Luckily I was wearing proper steel toe cap DR boots.
It was definitely not unknown for car , bus and van drivers to force bikes out across the white lines into the oncoming traffic - usually as a result of not using their mirrors.
Bike riding in the UK around town in particular is no fun any more - you really are a sitting target.
Bike v Car = car always wins.
I was going to add another purpose to the long list of the many uses for brake fluid but I won't....