BMW 2 Series Convertible - red light camera - johnmazda

I'm a little confused as to what red light cameras look like exactly?

I thought most of them have a tiny black camera on top but this one I saw last week looks like there is just a white box attached to the traffic lights...?

BMW 2 Series Convertible - red light camera - Adampr

The little black one on top is a traffic camera. A red light camera is a light grey box, kind of like a smaller speed camera.

BMW 2 Series Convertible - red light camera - johnmazda

Ok yes I've seen the ones with little black ones.

I've also seen the white box ones with no black cameras, are they just there to monitor traffic and not detect traffic violations?

Sorry new driver here so trying to understand....

Edited by johnmazda on 24/03/2023 at 22:37

BMW 2 Series Convertible - red light camera - Adampr

It's the other way around. The little CCTV cameras on top of the traffic lights are mostly there for traffic. The boxes with no visible camera are fore red lights. The best thing to to not run any red lights.

BMW 2 Series Convertible - red light camera - Xileno

"The best thing to to not run any red lights."

Sensible advise but I'm wondering if perhaps a bit too late...

BMW 2 Series Convertible - red light camera - johnmazda

I didn't go through a red light. Was just asking.

BMW 2 Series Convertible - red light camera - Cris_on_the_gas

Well if you don't go over red lights then no need to ask.

BMW 2 Series Convertible - red light camera - sammy1

Is there anyone on here who can say that a traffic light did not turn red before they crossed it.? Sometimes the alternative is someone running up your backside.

BMW 2 Series Convertible - red light camera - Adampr

Is there anyone on here who can say that a traffic light did not turn red before they crossed it.? Sometimes the alternative is someone running up your backside.


BMW 2 Series Convertible - red light camera - Crickleymal

Yup. Gone through a few on amber but none on red.