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Parking on private land - new law on its way - Gerry Sanderson

New law on private parking being trialled in Jersey before hitting us if found to be workable


You have been warned


Parking on private land - new law on its way - daveyjp
I suspect most of that applies in the UK anyway. If I go and park at Heathrow Terminal 5 and don't move my car I suspect it won't be sitting there for too long.

Similarly the Protections of Freedom Act permits removal of vehicles abandoned in private car parks by amending the Road Traffic Act.

Edited by daveyjp on 11/10/2018 at 17:19

Parking on private land - new law on its way - Bromptonaut

Appears to be limited in scope to Airport, Harbour and land belonging to Andium which appears to be the provider of social housing on the island.

Parking on private land - new law on its way - KJP 123

Yes, limited in application.

Whilst I am against draconian parking practices, enter an I not a 1 in registration when there is no I6, if I had a small car park for my customers it may affect my business if non-customers parked there. I wonder if the proposed legislation goes too far.

Parking on private land - new law on its way - Bromptonaut

I wonder if the issue is just parking or whether abandoned vehicles are in play too? Also, the starting point in Jersey will be different from UK.

Can Gerry (who's advice in this area I respect) can explain how new law in Jersey represents a trial for UK.

Parking on private land - new law on its way - Gerry Sanderson


Saw it on a motoring site and I confirmed legislation search as posted. THe article stated that Jersey would be a test and if found workable it was to be put before GB parliment for possible adoption in England. There seems to be a hotch potch of vehicle removal regs and this may be a cover all. WE shall see?

dvd (Wish they would remove my full name!!!!!)

Parking on private land - new law on its way - Avant

You always used to appear as Dwight Van Driver. I've no idea why it changed: if in doubt, and you can't change it back, consult out IT guru:


You certainly shouldn't have to have your full name shown if you don't want it.

Parking on private land - new law on its way - Bromptonaut

I suspect Jersey as a test bed for UK is far fetched journalese. It's just too different socially, economically and in terms of its legislative and legal system to have any validity as such.

They used to us the Scots as 'McGuinea Pigs' (eg Poll Tax and Bus Deregulation) but devolution's stopped that. Nowadays they'd use a major Metropolitan area.

I suspect Jersey's law is to deal with specific problems at its airport, harbour and social housing estates.

Parking on private land - new law on its way - concrete

Extending the thread somewhat; it seems the Daily Mail are starting a campaign against the DVLA for providing our details willy nilly to the private parking companies. They are behind the curve on this one as the so called 'Protection of Freedoms Act', which allows this nonesense has been enacted for several years now. Always difficult trying put the genie back into the bottle.

Cheers Concrete

Parking on private land - new law on its way - Bromptonaut

Extending the thread somewhat; it seems the Daily Mail are starting a campaign against the DVLA for providing our details willy nilly to the private parking companies. They are behind the curve on this one as the so called 'Protection of Freedoms Act', which allows this nonesense has been enacted for several years now. Always difficult trying put the genie back into the bottle.

The Protection of Freedoms Act stopped clamping and provided for keeper to be liable for penalties as a quid pro quo. The obligation for DVLA to give keeper details where good cause is shown is much older; regulations made under section 22(1)(c) of the Vehicle Excise and Registration Act 1994. I suspect though that was substantially re-enacting earlier provision.

A vehicle being left without consent on private land seems to me to be good reason to disclose keeper details to landowner or his agents.

Whether cowboy operators are properly regulated is a different kettle of fish.

Parking on private land - new law on its way - concrete

Very true Bromptonaut. I realise this provision has been in place for some time before the said act. I also agree that leaving or abandoning a vehicle on private land is good cause to seek the details of the keeper. The vast majority of parking on private land is consensual and constitutes some form of notional contract. A very different kettle of fish indeed. This debate was had years ago when the act first loomed. I still think it basically wrong to allow private parking companies to pursue the keeper/owner regardless of circumstance. Maybe there could be some prescription in the system to justify the disclosure of details. But too late now I suspect.

Incidentally I will hors de combat for a week or so. I have some business to attend with a surgeon that requires my full involvement for the next week or so.

Looking forward to re-entering the forum again soon.

Cheers Concrete

Parking on private land - new law on its way - Bromptonaut

Concrete, all the best for forthcoming treatment.

Agree that pursuing keeper regardless may not be right but in vast majority of cases it's correct starting point. If wrong then either adjudication process or small claims judge can sort it out.

I accept though that as somebody who had a 35yr career in Lord Chancellor's Dept and it's successors I'm more relaxed then Mr Average about an appointment with a judge.

Parking on private land - new law on its way - FP

Just wanted to add my best wishes, Concrete. I hope your procedure goes well and that you recover quickly, though don't push yourself too hard - this from someone who nearly drove SWMBO to distraction by insisting on going for a walk within hours of my last op (under general anaesthetic). I wasn't supposed to be on my own for 24 hours afterwards, so she had to come too.

I'm good at giving sensible advice to others and totally failing to apply it to myself. But you know what I mean.

Parking on private land - new law on its way - concrete

Just wanted to add my best wishes, Concrete. I hope your procedure goes well and that you recover quickly, though don't push yourself too hard - this from someone who nearly drove SWMBO to distraction by insisting on going for a walk within hours of my last op (under general anaesthetic). I wasn't supposed to be on my own for 24 hours afterwards, so she had to come too.

I'm good at giving sensible advice to others and totally failing to apply it to myself. But you know what I mean.

Thank you FP and Bromptonaut for your good wishes. The deed is done and I am recovering well. As you say Fp it is easy to overdo it when you start to feel perkier! However been back to the pub for a few evenings and really enjoying it.

Nice to be back on the forum again. I do miss the banter and knowledge.

Cheers Concrete

Parking on private land - new law on its way - Avant

Welcome back Concrete. Best wishes for a full recovery - visitng the pub is sure to help.

Parking on private land - new law on its way - FP

I missed your return, Concrete, due to being abroad and able to access the forum only on my mobile.

I'm glad you're out and about. You'll probably feel more tired than usual for some time. I understand keeping on the move is much better for recovery than sitting around. And a drink or two helps.

Let's hope your recovery continues apace and you'll soon be back to normal.

Edited by FP on 13/11/2018 at 18:39