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Banning hybrids - hillman

It might interest some of the BRs to read this article. It is a bit incoherent but that is the score for journalists.


Banning hybrids - Metropolis.
The onward march of the econazis! If they want to drive milk floats which incidentally pollute more in production than the lifecycle of an ICE and actually harm their mythology based crusade then so be it, they shouldn’t be imposing this nonsense on the rest of us.
Banning hybrids - Sofa Spud

In a few years time hybrids will be obsolete as we move towards fully electric vehicles - cars, lorries, buses the whole lot. This move is going hand-in hand with the move to renewable energy. These shifts are already under way and there are three strands to this. One is improving battery technology that allows greater 'energy density' of batteries. The second is improvements in charging systems and the provision of a charging infrastructure. The third is the move to renewables I mentioned before. Yesterday, for example, Britain was getting one third of its electricity from solar during the middle hours of the day, while other days we get a similar amount from wind. 20 years ago solar and wind accounted for almost no electricity generation at all Where will we be in 10 years or 20 years?

That claim about the environmental damage caused by producing electric vehicles - does that include all the electricity used in refining the oil to produce petrol and diesel. Refining the fuel to run an IC car uses as much electricity as an equivalent electric car would use to travel a similar mileage?

In the 1920's there were arguments about whether 4-wheel brakes were a good idea. Some put forward ideas that it was 'cheating' or that drivers would become complacent if they knew they could stop their car quickly and so 4 -wheel brakes would lead to more accidents! There has always been resistance to progress.

I can't see any need to ban hybrids though, although I can see there might be urban zones where they would be required to operate in electric-only mode.

Edited by Sofa Spud on 07/05/2018 at 11:53

Banning hybrids - Falkirk Bairn

>>we move towards fully electric vehicles - cars, lorries, buses the whole lot.

Where is this electricity coming from?

Max UK output is 50 ish including 8 of Nuclear & 8 of coal & Fench Dutch interconnectors - both of which will disappear by 2030. Nuclear dependent on old near end of life sites dotted around the UK.

I have not seen any large projects that provide 24x7x52 regular, guaranteed 99.99% supply coming on stream anytime soon.

Banning hybrids - galileo

>>we move towards fully electric vehicles - cars, lorries, buses the whole lot.

Where is this electricity coming from?

Max UK output is 50 ish including 8 of Nuclear & 8 of coal & Fench Dutch interconnectors - both of which will disappear by 2030. Nuclear dependent on old near end of life sites dotted around the UK.

I have not seen any large projects that provide 24x7x52 regular, guaranteed 99.99% supply coming on stream anytime soon.

Generating electricity is not the biggest problem, distribution to all the high current charging points ineeded s at least as difficult and expensive.

Banning hybrids - gordonbennet

Electric lorries for anything other than the odd one put on a high image city distribution fleet for cosying up to enviro media (brownie point) purposes are decades away.

Banning hybrids - Sofa Spud

Electric lorries for anything other than the odd one put on a high image city distribution fleet for cosying up to enviro media (brownie point) purposes are decades away.

A few years away, rather than decades, I think. Prototypes of the Tesla 'Semi' are already on trial in a real working environment. Electric heavies on long distance work are a bit further off.

Banning hybrids - Andrew-T

Where is this electricity coming from?

Never mind the electricity - where will all the batteries come from? Most varieties of battery use sizeable amounts of uncommon metals. At present the relatively modest number of battery-driven cars can be covered without much difficulty. If all vehicles (what, buses and trucks too?) were fitted with batteries the impact on global supplies would become more noticeable.

On a recent TV programme about rare metals, one of those featured was lithium. The supply of that is already tightening. I don't think Li batteries have a use in cars, but the message is clear. Better find a way to make them of scrap iron or something - there's a challenge for the electrochemists.

Banning hybrids - craig-pd130

Where is this electricity coming from?

From the 'Mr Fusion' home reactors we'll all have in our houses and cars, of course. A banana skin, and an old beer can, and boom! 1.21 gigawatts of electricity :)

Banning hybrids - Sofa Spud

>>we move towards fully electric vehicles - cars, lorries, buses the whole lot.

Where is this electricity coming from?

Max UK output is 50 ish including 8 of Nuclear & 8 of coal & Fench Dutch interconnectors - both of which will disappear by 2030. Nuclear dependent on old near end of life sites dotted around the UK.

I have not seen any large projects that provide 24x7x52 regular, guaranteed 99.99% supply coming on stream anytime soon.

According to some sources, it takes roughly as much electrivity to refine the fuel for a petrol or diesel car as would be needed to drive an equivalent electric car a similar distance. If that's the case there'd be no net increase in electricity consumption although there might be a problem with peaks of demand - which might be solved by grid-scale storage.

Banning hybrids - Leif

>>we move towards fully electric vehicles - cars, lorries, buses the whole lot.

Where is this electricity coming from?

Max UK output is 50 ish including 8 of Nuclear & 8 of coal & Fench Dutch interconnectors - both of which will disappear by 2030. Nuclear dependent on old near end of life sites dotted around the UK.

I have not seen any large projects that provide 24x7x52 regular, guaranteed 99.99% supply coming on stream anytime soon.

According to some sources, it takes roughly as much electrivity to refine the fuel for a petrol or diesel car as would be needed to drive an equivalent electric car a similar distance. If that's the case there'd be no net increase in electricity consumption although there might be a problem with peaks of demand - which might be solved by grid-scale storage.

The energy required to transport and refine oil is about 6% of its heating value. So no, your statistic is incorrect. And we have a huge problem as it is with energy security and future demands for electricity given that eco nuts hate nuclear.

Banning hybrids - Bolt

If they are going to ban hybrids why would they bring in a law to make them noisy so they can be heard under 20mph, their would not be any point


Banning hybrids - Leif
That is ill thought out and full or errors. It’s a political diatribe.

He says that electricity is cheaper than petrol. I did some calculations recently as I considered an electric car. Even with the government incentive, petrol worked out cheaper for my 20,000 miles a year if you take into account purchase cost, battery life, and battery replacement cost. Secondly, a key reason why petrol is expensive is tax. If we all went electric, the government would tax electricity or mileage. And in that case an electric vehicle would work out MUCH more expensive. So much for electricity ding cheaper. And of course, a large proportion of our electricity is not green at all. So you just move pollution from cities to poor areas near power stations. That suits wealthy middle class eco warriors who live in posh areas of London who have the money to pay for expensive electric cars.

Of course in the long term we do need to encourage alternative energy, and improvements in electric car technology. Elon Musk is helping by making battery packs more efficient, but that does not address the underlying chemistry.
Banning hybrids - Metropolis.
‘Encourage’ fine, but so long as that doesn’t lead to ICEs being penalised or banned, that’s beyond what I’d call encouragement..
Banning hybrids - skidpan

When I bought the Seat Leon 1.4 TSi one of my colleagues had an Auris hybrid as his new company car. The main criteria for his decision was the very low company car tax, with brats at uni every little helps. He did not really like the drive and found the CVT and noise very annoying but they were compromises he was willing to accept.

On a long run my Leon would average in the low to mid 50's, the Auris would do a couple of mpg more. But that was only when he drove like a parson, drive at 70 ish mph and the mpg plumetted. Overall the Auris did a couple of mpg better. But the driving experience was poor (colleagues words after his previous Focus diesel) and tiring on a long run.

Over 40,000 miles the saving on fuel based on the above figures would be approx £300 at todays pump prices.

At Drive the Deal a 1.4 Leon TSi 150 PS is £16,735, a Auris hybrid in similar spec is £19423.

To trade a 3 year old Leon in today would be worth about £9800, a 3 year old Auris would be worth about £10800.

So simple maths suggests that 3 years of Leon ownership would cost about £1700 less than owning an Auris hybrid, take off the £300 fuel saving and that is down to a £1400 saving.

Hybrids are not and never will be a planet saver and in cold cash terms they are not a money saver either. In fact you would need to achive 70 mpg overall in the Auris to break even. So driving a Leon would save you a considerable amount of money and help keep you happy.

We need to forget about hybrids and get the infrastructure in to ensure electrics are a feasible alternative for most (if not all drivers) as soon a practicable.

Banning hybrids - Leif
‘Encourage’ fine, but so long as that doesn’t lead to ICEs being penalised or banned, that’s beyond what I’d call encouragement..

Unfortunately the wealthy middle class eco warriors want to penalise conventional engines, and conventional power. This will put up the price of made in Britain goods, which will make us less competitive, and less able to fund climate change measures. And we will,be buying more overseas products which promote climate change.

Banning hybrids - Avant

The trouble with both the Independent and the Guardian is that the distinction between news and comment is blurred.

The report on this that I saw in the Times mentioned that the proposal was for a hybrid to have to do 50 miles on electric power only to be allowed. Even if hybrids are still around in 2040 (and I agree with SS above that they probably won't be) it surely won't be long before technology advances so as to increase the present 20-30 miles to at least 50.

Banning hybrids - madf

I watch Gridwatch daily at odd hours..gridwatch.co.uk/

ANYONE - but anyone who thinks that green energy is going to povide energy overnight to charge electric vehicles clearly does not watch Gridwatch and is as ignorant of teh issues as the politicians who - let's face it - have no clue -see Dieselgate as an example of their cretinoius ignorance...

There is NO solar power at night. On cold winter nights with clear skies, there is often no wind.. So whilst Green energy may contribute 30% odd of our total current power demand, to suggest is can produce 100% reliably at night all summer and winter, day and night is so risibly and evidently stupid in ignorance of the reality of supply.

And if all our cars are electric, most sums suggest demand will double - at night..

So if we want to be all electric by 2040 we should start a MAJOR upgrading of the power distribution network incorporating battery storage as and where it is needed. Planning should start now as some planning permissions will involve long arguments and delays.

Guess what? No-on knows what the technology will do in 2030 let alone 2040 so planning is not really started.. and cannot really start..

It may of course all be possible and easily solved - but the technological breakthrough need to make it has not happened.

Anyone who belives the politicians have any worthwhile ideas should accept counselling :-)

Edited by madf on 07/05/2018 at 16:15

Banning hybrids - John F

ANYONE - but anyone who thinks that green energy is going to povide energy overnight to charge electric vehicles clearly does not watch Gridwatch and is as ignorant of teh issues as the politicians.......

...It may of course all be possible and easily solved - but the technological breakthrough need to make it has not happened.

Yes it has happened - ages ago. For many years now the 14 solar panels on our roof have generated 3 megawatts a year. That's roughly what we two pensioners use over the year.

An electric car uses about 10kWh per 100Km, so two megawatts would easily do for an annual mileage of around 10,000m (assuming I've got the maths right)

If our whole roof was solar panels and one of our non-loadbearing walls consisted of batteries, we could probably be off grid for most of the year. The reason it's not happening is probably because oil and gas are dirt cheap and raise loads of tax. I think the future lies in the provision of personal and local community battery piles. Historians will look back at how long it it took us to get out of the habit of installing roofs made of primitive slabs of clay.

Banning hybrids - KJP 123

I recently read that present infrastructure would not support more than 2 or 3 houses in a row of 10 having car charging. In winter solar panls/storage may not be enough to overcome this.

Banning hybrids - Terry W

Comparing hybrid/electric with carbon based fuels based on the economics of today is daft. We need to anticipate circumstances in 10,20 and 30 years time and plan accordingly. :

Energy used by a vehicle is mainly a function of weight and aerodynamics, influenced by the way it is driven and engine efficiency. So for two similarly sized vehicles there is no major difference in energy used Fuel is an erergy source and batteries an energy store.

You may not like electric power,, and I agree that right now it is a costly option. But look forward 20 years to a time when:

- city pollution severely restricts use of ICE.

- the tax regime has changed to penalise further ICE

- improvements to energy efficiency generally limit new capacity rrequred

- battery technologies change to use far more commomplace an cheaper materials

Banning hybrids - Leif

Comparing hybrid/electric with carbon based fuels based on the economics of today is daft. We need to anticipate circumstances in 10,20 and 30 years time and plan accordingly. :

Energy used by a vehicle is mainly a function of weight and aerodynamics, influenced by the way it is driven and engine efficiency. So for two similarly sized vehicles there is no major difference in energy used Fuel is an erergy source and batteries an energy store.

You may not like electric power,, and I agree that right now it is a costly option. But look forward 20 years to a time when:

- city pollution severely restricts use of ICE.

- the tax regime has changed to penalise further ICE

- improvements to energy efficiency generally limit new capacity rrequred

- battery technologies change to use far more commomplace an cheaper materials

Once taxation moves from petrol and diesel to electric, perhaps via mileage tax, electric will become very expensive unless there are major efficiency improvements. And batteries have a finite life, and are made from expensive materials which will be in high demand.

Banning hybrids - Andrew-T

<< For many years now the 14 solar panels on our roof have generated 3 megawatts a year. That's roughly what we two pensioners use over the year. >>

Tut, tut, John - your panels may have generated 3 megawatt-hours a year; my 9 panels produce about 1750 kwh ('units'). Only power stations can produce at the rate of megawatts ....

Banning hybrids - madf

Modern city housing is high rise. Modern city dwellers use tubes and buses. Those living in cities don't NEED electric cars and those in high rises will be unable to charge them overnight.

These inconvenient facts are unlikely to change in the next 50 years - due to housing and land constraints.

As I wrote above, it's a pipe dream.

Banning hybrids - Terry W

Government can very easily make ICE unattractive compared to electric - siimply banning or road charging all ICE in urban areas would make them market limited to rural areas only.

Petrol/diesel is apparently far more expensive than electricity largely due to tax. .The energy consumed is similar. ICE generated losses are largely experienced as wasted heat. Electric losses are mainly in the power station. There are many smaller losses creating differences - eg: refining plant, distribution infrastructures etc..

Battery storage seems to put £10k on the cost of a ssmall/medium sized car but the pace of change is massive. ICE has used the same fuel for 30-40 years since lead was banned. At a simplistic level battery technology has gone through at least three iterations - lead/acid, nickel/cadmium and now lithium ion. A leap of faith to assume there will be further battery improvements or that fossil fuels will still be abundant and cheap in 40 years.

Banning hybrids - Bolt

Petrol/diesel is apparently far more expensive than electricity largely due to tax

That will change as electric becomes the norm, government is not going to lose all that income unless they decide to increase income tax/put it on something else.

I was reading that lead acid may come back modified for electric motors as its possible they could store 4 times the current of lithium ion, research is ongoing with that idea much as all other alternatives are

I do not see hybrids dissapearing for a while due to as has been mentioned, too many hurdles with charging points to overcome, I have noticed a lot of people now seem to think we will all have electric cars within 10 years or so, I expect there will be more bought over time but not that quickly

Banning hybrids - Leif

Petrol/diesel is apparently far more expensive than electricity largely due to tax

That will change as electric becomes the norm, government is not going to lose all that income unless they decide to increase income tax/put it on something else.

I was reading that lead acid may come back modified for electric motors as its possible they could store 4 times the current of lithium ion, research is ongoing with that idea much as all other alternatives are

I do not see hybrids dissapearing for a while due to as has been mentioned, too many hurdles with charging points to overcome, I have noticed a lot of people now seem to think we will all have electric cars within 10 years or so, I expect there will be more bought over time but not that quickly

I checked out the HJ electric car cost page. Petrol is much cheaper than electric even with the tax. We need massive cost reductions before electric is truly viable.

Banning hybrids - John F

<< For many years now the 14 solar panels on our roof have generated 3 megawatts a year. That's roughly what we two pensioners use over the year. >>

Tut, tut, John - your panels may have generated 3 megawatt-hours a year; my 9 panels produce about 1750 kwh ('units'). Only power stations can produce at the rate of megawatts ....

Sorry, I should have been more accurate, Andrew. The maximum my panels can generate at mid-sunny June day is indeed only about 2.9 kilowatts. But if 1000 houses on a large estate......

Banning hybrids - Engineer Andy

What about those of us living in flats?

The roof space per property is so small in comparison to houses and the cost and disruption to occupants of retorfitting solar PV panels (never mind solar thermal - almost impossible without turfing everyone out, gutting the place and re-piping the whole building) would be huge for a relatively small gain.

Many older flats do not have sufficient infrastructure (risers, available/accessible ceiling voids between floors [many riddled with asbestos]) to take such installations either.

Neither do flats have easy access to road infrastructure to install secure charging points as most are built on private land well away from the main road (or at least their car parking areas are) or have sufficient room to install the new chargers, never mins the huge costs of digging up many metres of road/running through multi-level concrete car parks, laying the cables, resurfacing (but with decent access).

The security (whilst charging) is, to me, the most difficult to overcome (the others are more financial due to the sheer amount of modifications and building/grounds works required, much, much more than in houses who would get a better return on their investment [more PV panels per home generating more electricity and a safer charging environment]), as yobbos could sever cables, or others steal the electricity by just unplugging it (which could mean you can't drive to work the next day) or damage the chargers which would cost a fortune to repair/replace (higher insurance premiums).

This undertaking is not going to be easy, and at present, governments/politicians and lobby groups are just playing with dieas that frankly will do nothing to solve the many problems I and others have outlined, which AREN'T just technical ones associated with generating or storage capacity. In my view, this is going to take several decades, maybe even 100 or more years of hard work across ALL fields of life in countries to ensure we have the technology, infrastructure and general policies designed to help ensure decent, cheap access to clean fuel sources for EVERYONE.

Banning hybrids - Andrew-T

In my view, this is going to take several decades, maybe even 100 or more years of hard work across ALL fields of life in countries to ensure we have the technology, infrastructure and general policies designed to help ensure decent, cheap access to clean fuel sources for EVERYONE.

All very true, Andy. But if it does take that long, EVERYONE will have become EVERYTWO or even more. We're all running to stay in the same place, and there will be little countryside left within 50 miles of the Smoke.

Banning hybrids - Bolt

The security (whilst charging) is, to me, the most difficult to overcome

I doubt by then we will need to worry about that as I suspect as with mobile phones that have adaptive charging, if they are determined for us to use EVs then this form of charging will have to be installed

its also been mentioned that all services will be installed under pathways instead of under the roads, to stop roads being dug up every few months for one reason or another, this will be the ideal time (if it goes ahead) to put in the cables/charging stations in places where you can`t normally, though I wonder who will pay for it all? probably us as usual

if they can also develop electric motors that run on lower power which I suspect will happen then battery packs can be smaller as well

Banning hybrids - focussed

I watch Gridwatch daily at odd hours..gridwatch.co.uk/

ANYONE - but anyone who thinks that green energy is going to povide energy overnight to charge electric vehicles clearly does not watch Gridwatch and is as ignorant of teh issues as the politicians who - let's face it - have no clue -see Dieselgate as an example of their cretinoius ignorance...

There is NO solar power at night. On cold winter nights with clear skies, there is often no wind.. So whilst Green energy may contribute 30% odd of our total current power demand, to suggest is can produce 100% reliably at night all summer and winter, day and night is so risibly and evidently stupid in ignorance of the reality of supply.

And if all our cars are electric, most sums suggest demand will double - at night..

So if we want to be all electric by 2040 we should start a MAJOR upgrading of the power distribution network incorporating battery storage as and where it is needed. Planning should start now as some planning permissions will involve long arguments and delays.

Guess what? No-on knows what the technology will do in 2030 let alone 2040 so planning is not really started.. and cannot really start..

It may of course all be possible and easily solved - but the technological breakthrough need to make it has not happened.

Anyone who belives the politicians have any worthwhile ideas should accept counselling :-)

There are small local 2Mw power stations being thrown up now - according to this strangely named company it is possible to get one on line in 5 months.

They are single-cycle gas turbine units running on natural gas so not particulary eco friendly.


Banning hybrids - Sofa Spud

Re taxation of electric cars. Yes the government will lose tax revenue as people move to electric cars. I don't think that will lead to a big tax rise on electricity because it's used for so many other things already. It's more likley that they'll add it to VED or bring in road pricing.

In 10 years time we won't ALL be driving electric cars but a lot of us will.

But most of us we will still be 'driving' those cars. While I think the move to electric vehicles will gather pace I think the move to fully self-driving ones will be a lot slower.

Edited by Sofa Spud on 08/05/2018 at 00:28

Banning hybrids - Bolt

I don't think that will lead to a big tax rise on electricity because it's used for so many other things already. It's more likley that they'll add it to VED or bring in road pricing.

I do, and they can use existing smart meters to calculate the electric used to charge a car, which will be cheaper than installing ANPR cameras as they are already in place

adding to VED may put people off buying electric, though that will depend on the car price in the first place.

Banning hybrids - davecooper

I think there has been a bit of misquoting here. The original news article said that the government were considering banning any hybrid that could not achieve a 50 mile range on batteries alone, not all hybrids.

Also many people are stating that the country's power generating infrastructure will not be able to cater for everyone driving electric cars. However, everyone is not going to go electric tomorrow. Electric car ownership and the available capacity to charge them will have to grow together and it might well take a hundred years or more to achieve . If there isn't the capacity and charging is difficult, people won't buy the cars no matter what the governmant might like.

Edited by davecooper on 08/05/2018 at 14:07

Banning hybrids - Josh Fisher

Saw this earlier - an interesting read.

While 2040 may seem like tomorrow in terms of something which is this big of a change, it is a step in the right direction if you ask me.

We've always known that hybrids will, at some point in the future, become obsolete. They're more of a transitional type of vehicle on our journey to take better care of our environment.

Future generations will look back on petrol/diesel cars and laugh at us. Such will be the days when electric cars are the only cars.

Banning hybrids - Andrew-T

We've always known that hybrids will, at some point in the future, become obsolete. They're more of a transitional type of vehicle on our journey to take better care of our environment.

They might take better care of our immediate local environment, but regionally or globally I can't see that, unless most of the (large amount of) electricity is generated renewably. That has to be generated somewhere instead of each vehicle burning its own fuel - which at least is not subject to transmission losses. There will need to be a huge investment in increased-capacity cabling to charging points, which itself requires mined metals - more energy used.

It's not a magic wand. Like many other novelties, in small numbers they don't make much of a splash. Scaled up to the whole driving population (itself expanding too) it's more of a problem. Let's all get a personal drone?

Banning hybrids - galileo

Saw this earlier - an interesting read.

While 2040 may seem like tomorrow in terms of something which is this big of a change, it is a step in the right direction if you ask me.

We've always known that hybrids will, at some point in the future, become obsolete. They're more of a transitional type of vehicle on our journey to take better care of our environment.

Future generations will look back on petrol/diesel cars and laugh at us. Such will be the days when electric cars are the only cars.

If future generations laugh at us it will show that the human race is getting stupider - we don't despise past peoples because they had to use horse-drawn transport, they made use of what was available with the existing knowledge and technology.

Banning hybrids - Andrew-T

<< If future generations laugh at us it will show that the human race is getting stupider - we don't despise past peoples because they had to use horse-drawn transport, they made use of what was available with the existing knowledge and technology. >>

And all that obsolete technology was renewable. The horses wore out after 15 to 20 years, but with luck they had produced the next generation. Each town or village had a blacksmith and perhaps a wainwright to make a new cart.

Interestingly, when I settled in Runcorn in the late sixties, one of the local garages was run by a Wainwright. Maybe the trade went far back in his family.

Banning hybrids - TheGentlemanThug

If the government want to ban internal combustion engines and force everyone to use an electric car then I assume that everyone will be provided with a charging point outside their home? And that said charging point can be protected from vandalism or jokers? And those who have perfectly good cars and can't afford to replace them will be reimbursed? And classic car enthusiasts or those who drive for pleasure will still be able to maintain and drive their cars?

The government should encourage motorists to keep their cars for as long as possible.

Edited by Bicycle_Repair_Man on 08/05/2018 at 15:18

Banning hybrids - Bolt

If the government want to ban internal combustion engines and force everyone to use an electric car then I assume that everyone will be provided with a charging point outside their home? And that said charging point can be protected from vandalism or jokers? And those who have perfectly good cars and can't afford to replace them will be reimbursed? And classic car enthusiasts or those who drive for pleasure will still be able to maintain and drive their cars?

The government should encourage motorists to keep their cars for as long as possible.

It was mentioned that all services that are under the road would possibly be moved to under pavement where possible, if this idea works out it will be an ideal time to install wireless car charging if and when EVs become the norm....

that way charging points can then be installed in parking places that those in flats use with a card system that can charge the individual car owner for the amount of electric used

also if and when electric motors become smaller and more energy efficient, so will the batteries and the charge needed to top them up

Banning hybrids - Engineer Andy

If the government want to ban internal combustion engines and force everyone to use an electric car then I assume that everyone will be provided with a charging point outside their home? And that said charging point can be protected from vandalism or jokers? And those who have perfectly good cars and can't afford to replace them will be reimbursed? And classic car enthusiasts or those who drive for pleasure will still be able to maintain and drive their cars?

The government should encourage motorists to keep their cars for as long as possible.

It was mentioned that all services that are under the road would possibly be moved to under pavement where possible, if this idea works out it will be an ideal time to install wireless car charging if and when EVs become the norm....

that way charging points can then be installed in parking places that those in flats use with a card system that can charge the individual car owner for the amount of electric used

also if and when electric motors become smaller and more energy efficient, so will the batteries and the charge needed to top them up

Given that the government (Highways England) and local/country councils ALREADY are spending WAY too little on road maintenance (not helped by Labour's choice in the NuLab years of spending road budgets on so-called traffic calming and nicking lots more for wasteful other wheezes), how on Earth are they supposed to afford putting 'wireless' charging systems in (public) roads? What happens about all the other cables and pipes that run under the roads now, and access afterwards? Who bears the cost of botched road on such systems repairs that aren't found out straight away?

What happens on the many (and increasing numbers of [deliberately done by the politicians to fleece the public and not have to pay for local road repairs, street lighting and other items] when new developments don't get their roads adopted by councils) private housing developments where road repairs are increadibly expensive just for small areas, let alone the cost of digging up entire estates for 'wireless charging' or laying cables and local charging points, if they can afford to at all?

As I said, the security of charging points remote from homes (for flats or terraced housing where you have to park away from your front door) is a major issue that I can't see being resolved, let alone all the cabling and new systems (at huge cost) for private developments, and especially flats with underground and/or concrete multi-level car parks.

Whilst I appreciate that electric motors are getting more efficient, a good deal of the energy lost in transport has nowt to do with the inefficiencies of the engine itself, but of:

  • Rolling resistance of the tyres vs mechanical grip for decent handling (they can't keep improving that at the rate they have done following the introduction of silica to tyre compounds);
  • The weight of cars is stil increasing, due to their size, additional gizmos, whether they are optional extras or safety related. New materials used are great for saving lives and can reduce weight, but are hyper-expensive to repair because they are designed to absorb much of the crash energy. 'Memory metals' etc are still some way off from being practical in all aspects of vehicles;
  • Battery tech has only improved a relatively small amount as regards energy density over the last 10 years - its been more about lifespan of components. Many of the materials used to make the highest grade Li-Ion batteries is very scarce and getting more so, as more everyday items have them in them and mobile phones and portable computers become more populer and power hungry around the world.
  • I already mentioned the lack of roof space for flats for generating power for recharging points, which, of course, would only get that udring daylight hours, otherwise we'd need EVEN MORE BATTERIES to store that energy for use for overnight charging of cars. Most flat blocks don't have the space to house them, so this would have to be done remotely, which would then introduce the existing large efficiency losses apparent in the electricity transmission grid.

I think we have a LONG way to go before we as a nation (or the world) can completely changeover to electric vehicles with viable technical and cost-effective solutions that don't bankrupt us. Many so-called 'green' electricity generating schemes are already bleeding us dry with huge hikes in costs to consumers.