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Ford Focus MK2 2.0 TDCI 2010 Reg - Ford Focus 2.0 TDCI high pressure fuel pump change - William RS
I took my Ford Focus to main dealer for a diagnostic. The car is having the following symptoms. Engine malfunction light comes on intermittently. Tends to come on when stopped with engine idling. It sometimes comes on and off driving at low speeds. There is no loss of power. Main dealer plugged it in and diagnosed erratic fuel pressures. Says the fuel pump needs to be changed at a cost of £1800. I was wondering if it's worth getting a refurbished or second hand pump and installing it myself. How difficult is this job and any advice would be appreciated.
Ford Focus MK2 2.0 TDCI 2010 Reg - Ford Focus 2.0 TDCI high pressure fuel pump change - elekie&a/c doctor

Sounds like a very expensive guess to me.Fuel pumps on these Ford/Peugeot engines have a good reliability record.I think I would start with the basics,ie fuel filter first.Take it to an indy diesel specialist.

Ford Focus MK2 2.0 TDCI 2010 Reg - Ford Focus 2.0 TDCI high pressure fuel pump change - RobJP

Sounds like a very expensive guess to me.Fuel pumps on these Ford/Peugeot engines have a good reliability record.I think I would start with the basics,ie fuel filter first.Take it to an indy diesel specialist.

Agreed. In addition, if the HP pump does need changing you'd probably find an independent would be half the price of a Ford main dealer

Ford Focus MK2 2.0 TDCI 2010 Reg - Ford Focus 2.0 TDCI high pressure fuel pump change - William RS
Thank you for your ideas. The fuel filter was changed a week ago. However still getting the light as before.
Ford Focus MK2 2.0 TDCI 2010 Reg - Ford Focus 2.0 TDCI high pressure fuel pump change - Peter.N.

Starting is determined by fuel rail pressure, anything that causes it to drop below a specific point will prevent it starting.

It could be the HP pump but I doubt it, more likely to be an internal leaking injector pulling the pressure down or the pressure regulator on the HP pump.

I fitted a secondhand pump from ebay on my C5, cost me about £60 but it wasn't that anyway it was the pressure regulator, don't know if its the same as the early engine but I got one of those from ebay for about £25 I think it was.

Ford Focus MK2 2.0 TDCI 2010 Reg - Ford Focus 2.0 TDCI high pressure fuel pump change - William RS
It starts first time all the time
Ford Focus MK2 2.0 TDCI 2010 Reg - Ford Focus 2.0 TDCI high pressure fuel pump change - Simon

Well if the only symptom is an intermittent warning light I would wait until it breaks or starts being problematic before you shell £1800 out on it.

Ford Focus MK2 2.0 TDCI 2010 Reg - Ford Focus 2.0 TDCI high pressure fuel pump change - 3uga

Look, at that prince I would try anything. Try a fuel aditive for injector cleaning. It doesen't work all the time but I've seen a lot of common rail engines that perform eraticly and the problem was resolved with a little fuel additive.
I use duralube or 200ml of 2t oil mixed with 500ml of gasoline, at o full tank of diesel. If you have DPF on your car, the oil-gasoline mix might do much more harm than good.
If you have a fast fill cap, you most likely can't put anything else in your reservoir unless you improvise something. I use a plastic pipe to open the cap.