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Buying a new Honda CRV from Ireland
Motorpoint have 5 new Honda CRV's for sale at £19999(2.0 EX autos). They are coming from Southern Ireland. Are there any issues I should be aware of that will affect warranties or eventual resale. Please do not publish this information until Saturday 18th August so I have a chance to secure one.
Asked on 9 August 2012 by

Check the warranty with Motorpoint. May be 2 years from date of first transaction. May be longer. But the cars themselves will be okay, Swindon built, UK and Eire spec. Cheap because production has now ended and production of the new CR-V is just about to start.
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Roomy and versatile. Very comfortable, pleasant and relaxing to drive. not at all cumbersome. 2.2 i-CTDI diesel is excellent.