So why do you think dealers (& estate agents) do this? Is it because they have nothing better to do than put up with irate people or because it works?
The objective of ANY advertisement is to get the punter interested enough to make an enquiry; ideally in person but on the phone will do:
punter ...... "it's about the Volvo at £995; have you still got it"
dealer ...... "yes but unfortunately it's an error; it should be £2495, Autotrader messed up"
punter ........ "have you got anything else around that figure?"
dealer ....... either ........ "got a nice Mondeo just come in at £1400, low mileage 6 months MOT & taxed until Feb. Why not come & have a look? If it's not what you want I'll refund your petrol costs for wasting your time over the Volvo."
...................or .............. "no but as I've messed you about, come & have a look at it & I'll do you a really good deal on your PX? Not got one? I'll knock a bit off & we can sort some finance on the rest. it's a really cracking car & if it's not what you want I'll refund your petrol costs for wasting your time over the price."
Edited by bonzo dog on 04/11/2010 at 21:32