When I was ordering my company car I was offered a car from stock at an almost unbelievable leasing price by the supplying BMW dealer. It was a cancelled order and turned out to be a 5 Series Touring with full M bodykit, including rear spoiler, 19 inch alloy wheels and finished in matt black. It was also four wheel drive so it had raised suspension. I thought an X6 was the most tasteless BMW before I saw this one.
Do you really mean to say, Bagpuss, that you turned down a rat-look BMW 5whaddever (anything over 20 would be acceptable) estate for a bargain price on - in my opinion grossly perverse - aesthetic grounds? You could have stripped the M bodykit off and kept it.
People never cease to amaze me.
Do you really mean to say Bagpuss that you turned down a rat-look BMW 5whaddever (anything over 20 would be acceptable) estate for a bargain price on - in my opinion grossly perverse - aesthetic grounds?
LOL. Yep. Got our commercial director to negotiate a deal on a 5 Series that I could actually see myself driving driving for the next 3 years without having to resort heavy Groucho Marx style disguise. The one I have is definitely easier on the eye. Well, apart from the light coloured wood trim that I chose in a moment of madness to brighten up the usual BMW coal hole interior.
Quite apart from the dodgy M-Tech bodykit of the car I described, I don't see the attraction of an expensive new car with matt bodywork. That's how my cars normally look before I take them to the car wash, which admittedly doesn't happen very often. I like them to come out afterwards looking shiny and new for that before/ after effect, otherwise I probably wouldn't bother.