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\"Fast- fit outfit\" Trauma - JSG2
Dear All,

I am in the middle of a feud with the above referenced fast fit outfit over some damage they have allegedly done to my car whilst carrying out a routine exhaust job.

The job in question was to reattach the exhaust to the manifold of my MkII Golf, held on, I believe with two clips.

In carrying out the work they initially moved the gearshift rod out of alignment so that I was unable to select first gear. I took the car back and fair play they sorted out the alignment problem so that the car drove.

However, in effecting the repair to the gear shift rod, I believe they damaged/removed an earth lead that ran from the engine block to the car body.

The next day I broke down on the motorway with a knackered alternator.

I would gratefully appreciate any advice on the likelihood of the lack of an earth lead from the engine block to the car body being the root cause of my now f***ed alternator.



Trauma - Toad, of Toad Hall.
I give this thread 5 minutes.

Parp, Parp!
Note: All Toad posts come with an implied smiley.
Trauma - BrianW
\"I give this thread 5 minutes.\"

Time up !

Trauma - Blue {P}
Been new round here and naive I;ve got to ask, why would this thread be deleted? Is it \'cos he has mentioned a company directly?
Trauma - Toad, of Toad Hall.
Been new round here and naive I;ve got to ask, why
would this thread be deleted? Is it \'cos he has mentioned
a company directly?

Yeah, Mark cut another thread, and suggested that we should not mention brand names in a derogatory context.

In fact just to speed this thread on it\'s way I reckon toads are troublesome.
Parp, Parp!
Note: All Toad posts come with an implied smiley.
Trauma - Blue {P}
Hmmm... Not mention brand names in a derogatory context? So if I wanted to some company, and I can back it up, then what\'s the problem? As it happens I haven\'t had bad service from them, they\'re normally good.

I can understand slanderous allegations been frowned upon, but the following which I was gonna add to the thread isn\'t slanderous, it is the truth and is what

I took my last Fiesta to have the clutch changed in Gateshead. When I got the car back it turns out the engine mountings had suddenly broken (co-incidentally while they had it in the workshop), I took this to the Ford garage to have fixed, where I was told that my CV boot had co-incidentally spilt on the same day! Then two weeks later as a result of the engine mountings, my downpipe snapped! All in all, my new clutch cost me an extra £150 in repairs that I should never have had to make.

I don\'t consider that off-topic, as I am merely informing readers of my experience with another fast fit chain and saying that in future I will stick with my local garage or the main dealers, it\'s worth the extra £20 to have the job done right...
Trauma - Blue {P}
So how long would you give the thread now? :)
Trauma - Baskerville
Whether it\'s true or not isn\'t the point, it\'s whether you have the time and money to argue the toss with the lawyers involved.

As it happens, I think the original post was quite carefully worded. Yours is almost certainly doomed, though.

Trauma - Blue {P}
Oh yeah, I just realised that you can\'t edit the posts once you\'ve made them on this site....

Maybe I should try and back peddle by saying that I wasn\'t accusing anyone of causing the damage, just telling everyone about an amazing co-incidence that 2 things went wrong on the same day as I had the clutch fixed and that the garage who later fixed the downpipe told me that it broke because of damaged engine mountings...

:) Sorry Mark if the last post sounded to accusing.
Trauma - volvoman
Get some free legal advice via your CAB who will have a duty solicitor at least once a week. It\'ll cost nothing and give you a clear idea how to proceed. Good luck.
Trauma - jud
I\'m not sure but i would think that a missing earth would not destroy the Alternator. The earth is important because without it parallel paths will carry the electrical current, for example your exhaust via its mountings. The starter motor pulls large short time current and a good earth is required for this (but don\'t some cars have a separate one for the starter?). We need input from a auto electrician on this.
Trauma - Paul531
A few years ago I got a new back box fited.

A few weeks later I was washing the car and I noticed that they had hacksawed part of the plasctic bumper away, to make the exhaust slot about twice the size that it was.

As many weeks had passed, I did not take it up.

A year or so later, the fuel injection failed, it was relayed to my locl garage who took 3 1/2 weeks to fix it. When I went to collect my car the wheel arch and door were caved in. The mechanic claimed that my car was like that we I gave it to them.

I pointed out to the owner of the garage , that there was bright shiny metal exposed, so clealy the damage was no more than a day or two old.They fixed my car by floating the side in body filler, which soon cracked and looked an awful mess.

Fotutnately another car hit mine some months later and it was written off.

Needless to say that I go to neither of the above un-named garages any more.


Trauma - The Watcher
More lunacy from a moderator, I fear.

Apparently its ok to mention a trade name if giving a good referal but if saying you\'ve had a bad situation with some company, then naming it is a no - no. Crazy (or paranoid I don\'t know which!)

That\'s absolute pants imho. Saying you\'ve had poor service or the quality of work given by a company is NOT slanderous or libellous. It is a statement of opinion backed by facts which UK law allows you to state.

What you are not allowed to do under UK law is wage a campaign against (in this case) a company without describing what the problem is, what steps the company have taken to remedy the situation or resorting to wildly exagerated claims.

Still, that wont carry any weight will it?
Trauma - Mark (RLBS)
>>Still, that wont carry any weight will it?

I am surprised that you think it should. And whether you think it should or not, you are at least correct in that it does not.

>>It is a statement of opinion backed by facts...

And how would I know that they were facts ? How would I know that they were true ? Tell you what, since I am not prepared to check, even if I knew how, I\'ll remove the problem.

Don\'t do it, if it is done, I will delete it. If it is done more than once, I will disable the appropriate membership.


p.s. No, I do not know a more liberal website, in the political sense of course. Sorry.

Trauma - The Watcher
If your supposition is correct, then please explain why newspapers, radio programmes and consumer watchdog tv programmes aren't sued EVERY day of the week when they cover stories from angry punters?

Tell you what, you do exactly what you want and see if I care. Alright?
Trauma - Blue {P}
Admittedly these programmes do a little more research than is possible on this site... and I know my post needed editing for the standards on this site, but I wasn't sure about the bloke who mentioned the fast fit chain...

I think you've just gotta live with it unfortunately, on another site I visit, we've had polls on terrible service from the fast-fit chain that was mentioned here (and having read them I find the service this guy received easily beleiveable), and we were never sued. Phew! :)
Trauma - Mark (RLBS)
>>Tell you what, you do exactly what you want......

Trauma - Dwight Van Driver

The simple reason is that Newspapers employ a plethora of legal eagles and before anything of a contensious nature is published it is given the once over when I suspect the decision is made that if they can get away with it without incurring hefty litigation against them then it is published. This site does not have this facility and whilst again I suspect HJ may well have empathy with what is stated he has to cover his back.

liberal forum - <0.One%
p.s. No, I do not know a more liberal website, in the political sense of course. >>

Well, take a look at


which is a

".. Discussion of good and bad garages - who would you recommend and who whould you avoid! N.B : Please note that all views expressed here are individual views from members ...."
liberal forum - Blue {P}
Is that the kind of forum Mark meant? If that is the kind of forum, then yes, there are other equally reputable forums who allow garages to be named and people's storys about them to be shown without censoring. Like I've said, on another forum, we ran a pole about a major Fast Fit chain and many people had tales of woe to tell, but one person said that they'd had OK service, so it's not all bad!
Fast fit trauma - Flat in Fifth
anyone notice in the papar that a survey of fast fit places ~25% recommended work that was not necessary?

So 75% didn't, which was rather a surprise to me I must add.

Notice they didn't say which 25% it was though.

BTW longest 5 minutes I've known Toad. At one point I heard the rumour that the site was going to be renamed after a well known motoring film........

Gone in 60 seconds. ;-)
Trauma - Mark (RLBS)
>>I can understand slanderous allegations been frowned upon, but the following which I was gonna add to the thread isn\'t slanderous, it is the truth

And how do I know which is which ? I can either spend time checking and probably without success, or I can simply prevent anything which I think is dubious.

Guess which ?

As it happens, this one seems to be pretty carefully worded, but since it is easier for the challenged ones to cope with absolutes rather than degreess, shades or judgements, I have edited it anyway.

ChrisR was spot on.
Trauma - Blue {P}
It's better than deleting stuff I suppose, in this case it isn't really necessary that pepole know who the fast fit chain is anyway.
Trauma - Leif
I suspect the problem lies with UK law. Here is an American link with user comments on camera shops:


Here is a typical example edited to please Mark:

"[name of shop] - Buyer beware*** : Rude, dishonest rep. and disgusting customer service"

I have heard it said we have more restrictive laws than America on freedom of speech.
Trauma - Blue {P}
I suppose HJ has a name and site to protect. Thing is, legally, if on this site I said: Company XYZ are rubbish and had no facts to back it up, is HJ liable, or me?
Trauma - Dwight Van Driver
Blue Oval.


HJ for printing and you for saying.


Shelia (8) is c***.
Trauma - Blue {P}

Sorry, not heard that one before! :)
Trauma - <0.One%
OTTOMH? - off/over the top of my head ?
Trauma - Blue {P}
Ahhh.... That's a little clearer, although I'm not sure it ties in with what he said after it??
Trauma - Mark (RLBS)
>>That's a little clearer, although I'm not sure it ties in with what he said after it??

Allow me to help......

Blue Oval: ...is HJ liable, or me?
DVD: ...Off the top of my head, HJ for printing and you for saying.
Trauma - Blue {P}
Thanks Mark - I'm off to take my brain medicine now! :)
Trauma - Mark (RLBS)
Its not just legal liability, its reputation, standing, time to deal, money to deal, knowledge to deal, resources to deal.

And above all, willingness to deal, and I am not.

In the end, this conversation comes up about every 6 weeks. I believe I have explained it quite often enough.

It is this sites policy.

I will delete all notes which flaunt this policy, although I will try, if I have time and if I think the attempt was genuine, to edit out just the company name if that is sufficient.
Trauma - Mark (RLBS)
In a more helpful, as opposed to jugular, vein;

I would not delete a note which contained a typical horror story, didn't identify either explicitily or by implication the company, but offered to supply more details by e-mail.

Neither would I delete a note if it merely stated that you did not recommend a company and offered details by e-mail.

Provided, in both cases, that the note was otherwise reasonable.
Trauma - Godfrey H {P}
Well, as a result of this site and the recent DTI enquiry I\'m not taking my car anywhere near a \"fast-fit outfit\" of any description unless they come personally recommened by someone whose judgment I respect. I will be needing some new front tyres on my car and I am thinking seriously of paying a few extra pounds for them to avoid damage to my car caused by some fast-fit outfits as previously described on this site.

I\'ll see if I can press the right button this time!

P.S Can anyone recommend a reputable tyre outfit in Suffolk?
Trauma - Dorian
Question for Mark the moderator:

I've noticed you've got an FAQ listing garages recommended by users of this site.

I want to recommend one - how do I do it? I couldn't spot a link on the page (altho I am a speccy t**t).

Trauma - Mark (RLBS)
send an e-mail to Honest John at mailto:goodgarages@honestjohn.co.uk

Its probably helpful if you include what they offer and why you recommend them.

Also, please put something meaningful in the subject field: \"Garage Recommendation for FAQ\" or somesuch.

Thanks for the effort.


p.s. ooops. Thank you Godfrey.
Trauma - Godfrey H {P}
Actually Mark goodgarages@honestjohn.co.uk
Trauma - smokie
In my experience these fast-fit places are more expensive for tyres/exhausts than local tyreshops anyway. By quite a bit sometimes.
Toublesome toads. - Toad, of Toad Hall.
Mark: "toads are troublesome. "


Parp, Parp!
Note: All Toad posts come with an implied smiley.
Fast Fit Outfit - JSG2
I did not intend to start a censorship debate!

I was just after some advice on whether a missing earth lead could lead to alternator damage.

Any thoughts anyone??


Fast Fit Outfit - Mark (RLBS)
>>Any thoughts anyone??

Did you notice Jud's reply in amongst it all ??

Fast Fit Outfit - JSG2
Yeh, I did cheers! But he wasn't sure!

I thought someone may have had experience of missing earth leads and the problems they can cause.

Fast Fit Outfit - The Watcher
As part of the EU's ending of the 'block exemption' that is supposed to make cars in the UK sell for a similar price as inEurope (don't hold your breath!), the manufacturer's right to tie servicing and warranty repairs to their dealer franchise network is to be ended.

The consequence of this is that places such as fast fit outlets will be able to do your warranty work or servicing (if you wish) without invalidating your warranty!

Just a thought.
Fast Fit Outfit - J Bonington Jagworth
I suppose it's just possible for a missing earth lead to affect the alternator, if the other points of earth contact between the engine and the body were intermittent (thus producing surges that could blow the rectifier diodes). However, this is an unlikely explanation if everything else was working normally, esp. the starter motor. Any condition powerful enough to blow up the alternator would almost certainly produce some collateral damage to electronics, too...
Fast Fit Outfit - THe Growler
Speaking as an onlooker we have these fast-fir places where I am, tires, mufflers, that stuff and no one seems to complain. Is it that these joints employ unskilled labor perhaps? If anyone wants to be a mechanic (or a spray painter, plumber, roofer, real estate saleman, aircon tech, other blue collar professional) where I come from he has to have a license issued by an appropriate professional body before he can get a job.

THat does not obviate incompetence, stupidity or plain error, but it does at least ensure that whoever works on your car or whatever has gone through a certified method of skills acquisition. An establishment hiring people who haven't risks being fined, and the customer thus has a comeback too of sorts.

There are still plenty of back street chop shops who flout the rules, buy off the inspectors etc, but yer pays yer money and takes yer choice. At least the ****-Fit outlets we have here (yes same names in many cases) are some what policed and there is some avenue of redress for the customer.

I don't know about Europe/UK, but if this is not the case and any old Joe Six-pack capable of rounding off your nuts with a mole-grip can be hired to work on your car then I would have thought the seat-warmers in Brussels ought be seizing on this opportunity eagerly as a chance to write a few more rain-forests' worth of door-stoppers alongside their other monumental treatises on the correct thickness of burger cartons etc.
Fast Fit Outfit - lezebre
You mean over there muffler and brake 'shop owners are categorised (I nearly said catylised) with roofers, plumbers and estate agrnts? :-)
Fast Fit Outfit - THe Growler
He has to have a license to do his job, like you have one to drive your car, implying that he's met the standards set by the professional body covering what he does. This can be withdrawn by same. US has similar set up.
Fast Fit Outfit - Dwight Van Driver
But you have said in earlier posts Growler that Licences etc can be bought cheap?

Neccesity is the mother of invention and I have always thought that the Far Easterners have an inborn ability to adapt and make things work far better than we of puteh skin can, so a back streeter in your land is on par with an MB Trained mechanic?

Fast Fit Outfit - THe Growler
My point was if so many shops seems to be turning out lousy work then what is the quality of their people like, is there no minimum standard for hiring them or some form of regulation about who has to demonstrate what job skills before he is allowed to get his hands onha vehicle in a repair shop?

After all, this week he leaves off your ground strap, or breaks something underneath, next week he forgets your wheel nuts.....

THere seems not to be, otherwise why would you have a thread like this full of whinges about such places.

The MB place has its own trained people but that's an MB rule and I should hope so given what they charge. I mean an externally imposed set of standards. Like someone inspects your local curry house from time to time to make sure it's fit to east in.

Is it OK for your quick-fit shop to hire just anyone? Or does he get inspected from time to time by anyone, just like a restaurant does for its hygiene.

Of course e consistently lousy work=lousy management too. Another reason for inspection?

If my neighbour wants to be a roofing salesman he has to get a license. To do that he has to show he knows his job. If he consistently, say sells shoddy work, or cons someone and they complain and he is found seriously lacking he loses his license. Real estate, paramedic, air-con mechanic doesn't matter, same-same. Even if he got his license by the back door, you make a big complaint and he's still going to have to account for himself. Maybe he also gets found out about the way he got his license too.

Plenty of shoddy work here, but again my point is I can go to a third party and make a problem for this guy if he messes up my car. If he bought his license, then he's also going to have to buy himself off the hook as well if I file a formal complaint with the mayor's office, for example, so there is a sort of regulatory process at work.

So, the question again: I take my car round the corner near your place to get new tires, exhaust or whatever fitted. The clown that does it damages my car in the process (best case) or I have an accident as a result of his shoddy work (worst case).
What sanctions have I got to (a) get my own back and (b) to have the shop held up to others as a rotten service provider?
Here I do have some, seems you don't. That was all I was trying to say.

Fast Fit Outfit - L'escargot
Most "fast-fit" mechanics put a trolley jack under whatever part of the car is the most convenient, and this can cause a lot of damage. I can heartily recommend Ford dealer "Rapid Fit" departments which have to comply with Ford standards. The one I use (Ringways Doncaster) raise the whole car on a hoist. Four large rubber blocks are placed under the sills, and they don't even leave a mark. In addition, "Rapid Fit" prices are very competitive.
Fast Fit Outfit - smokie
Did I not read recently that Kwik-Fit were sold by Ford at a great loss back to bloke they bought it from not three years ago? Probably discussed in another thread - I haven't checked.

Quality could go either way.

So long as they keep filling my car with Mobil 1 for £34 that's OK.

Fast Fit Outfit - Blue {P}
Yep - This is one thing Mark can't tell me off for! :)

I took my car to the Rapid Fit at Jennings Ford, Carville, Durham and I can honestly say that the guy there was the most helpful person I've come across in a main dealer environment. He even offered to fix my wheel alignment for free seeing as it was only a little bit out and the car was brand new! The prices are competitive and like has just been said, they use an excellent hoist system that does not damage the car at all. Good prices to. I will certainly be going back there to spend my hard earned cash...
Fast Fit Outfit - mark
Interesting how things can differ, our local Rapid Fit was prosecuted by Trading Standards not six months ago for charging for work that was not done. Sounds like you have a good one near you.

as ever

Fast Fit Outfit - Blue {P}
You can never be certain, it may be that I just happened to deal with the best mechanic in the place and that the rest will rob you blind! I don't really know, but I made sure to get his name so that I know who to ask for next time!
Fast Fit Outfit - Carl2
I popped into Ford rapid fit in Yarmouth for an exhaust it was cheaper by miles than two other companies I asked for quotes. The service was excellent. I in common with many others have had bad experiences with other well known companies . One bunch of Nit-Wits wanted to fit a new manifold when they snapped a stud. So I drove the car home and popped in another stud in next to no time myself . The same bunch of Nit-Wits were about to disconnect my father in laws battery on an old Rover until I asked if they were going to use a memory saver it seems that were unaware of the need to do this. On another occasion I watched in horror as my wheel studs were subjected to a massive torque at the hands of a young tyre fitter .
Fast Fit Outfit - Godfrey H {P}
Daft question was your car a Ford Carl? Just if they only stocked Ford exhausts.
oops! - Godfrey H {P}
Shold read (where's that EDIT button): Daft question was your car a Ford Carl? Just wondered if they only stocked Ford exhausts
oops! - Carl2
Boring Escort I,m afraid. They did say they could work on other
makes. There was a 5 series on the ramp next to mine .