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87 1.0 12 valve Starlet - coolant - Rob E
I own a 1987 Toyota Starlet 1.0 12 valve. I have just noticed that the coolant level is quite low, and would appreciate some advice on a) how to top it up and b) what to top it up with!! I've not been driving long, and my mechanical abilities are not very good, so your help would be greatly appreciated! My concern is that if I undo the cap, will that affect the pressure of the system, and I'm worried about affecting/ dislodging the pipes that lead to the coolant tank. I'm a poor student - hence why I haven't got a proper mechanic to do it yet!

I realise this is quite a basic question, but your help would be much appreciated.


Rob E.


Edited by Pugugly {P} on 19/02/2008 at 19:01

Toyota Starlet - Coolant - John S

First - top it up with a water/ antifreeze mixture, at least 33%antifreeze, and preferably 50%. Don't use plain water. The antifreeze is vital to prevent internal corrosion to the engine winter and summer. A warning - only top up when the engine is cold - you won't cause problems opening the pressure cap, but there is a risk of hot coolant being expelled if you remove the cap on a hot engine.

Second - are you sure it needs topping up? Have you checked in the handbook? I'm assuming the car has a header tank, and these are never full - usually half way is right to allow for expansion of the coolant. if you don't have a handbook get one -and/or buy a Haynes manual.

If it's really low, then there may be more to it than just adding coolant to the header tank. Also, this may indicate a problem, as modern cars rarely need topping up. Someone who knows these cars will be along before long with specific advice I'm sure.


John S
Toyota Starlet - Coolant - Mark (RLBS)
Just two points to add to what John S said...

Haynes Manuals are frequently available in local libraries.

1987 isn't that modern, and it sounds as if you haven't had the car long. It really might just need topping up.
Toyota Starlet - Coolant - Ian (Cape Town)
Check the existing coolant - if it isn't clear (-tinged with blue or green antifreeze) but looks like weak tea, then would be best to drain and flush the system anyway.
Have you considered a basic motor maintenance course? Or otherwise get a book of motoring basics from the library.