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off to - John R
OK people, it's weekend... I'm off to Ian Cooks Virtual Pub for a pie 'n pint (zero alcohol of course).

See you all there.

Last one in's buying!!! ;-)

John R
Re: off to - Martyn, Back Room moderator
John R wrote:
> OK people, it's weekend... I'm off to Ian Cooks Virtual Pub
> for a pie 'n pint (zero alcohol of course).

B****y hell, what time does your weekend start?
Re: off to - Dave
Good plan. I'll have a pint of best and two large gins to take over to the tottie in the corner.

I haven't been told to get stuffed for ages...
Re: off to - Dan J
Dave wrote:

> I haven't been told to get stuffed for ages...
You'll have to borrow my SWMBO for the night, am sure she'd be delighted to oblige :o)

If only I finished at 3:15pm... Still, one more hour to go and I'll be making my way to the real pub fingers crossed!

In the meantime a pint of Export and a G & T chaser if you please. Is the tottie looking receptive Dave?
Re: off to - John R
Don't forget, the clock on (hic) here is an hour slow, (hic... burp!) its really 17.00hrs now.

John R
Re: off to - Ian Cook
Good idea, John. The sun's well over the yard arm - reckon I'll join you.

It's not raining here in S Glos - might even light the barbie.

Cheers and beers

Re: off to - john
Yup its high tide soon. Drop anchor in the creek and welcome aboard for a G&T. Get away from all those horrible traffic jams
Re: off to - Alwyn

Good idea.

Of course, it's best to be the last one in your group to buy a round as, hopefully, when it comes around to your turn again, they will have had enough.

Rather than buy a round up here, they now buy a bottle of wine at a time. Saves trips to the bar.

Re: off to - Lee H
Sorry I'm late chaps, I'll get the next virtual round in with my vritual money.

Ah, I see the vitrual Karaoke is free, allow me...

"I'm just a hunk, a hunk of burning love
Just a hunk, a hunk of burning love
Just a hunk, a hunk of burning love
Just a hunk, a hunk of burning love
Just a hunk, a hunk of burning love
Just a hunk, a hunk of burning love....."

Darcy, it's your turn on the virtual pool

Man, I love weekends


The photo gallery is yours!
mail your photos there.
Re: off to - Dave at Home (Chateau Dave)
Virtual tottie was quite receptive, Dan J, but Dave Lacey and David Woolard wandered over and started talking to them about the advantages of the 2 1/4 litre landie engine over the 1.4 k-series.

After that the girlies lost interest in me, the four of them left in a virtual cab 20 mins ago. DL said something about serviceing them at his showroom...

I'm queueing for the karaoke now feeling a bit virtual tipsy and talking to a virtual fat bird about the correct service intervals on the XJ600-S. Think I'm going to do a virtual "I will survive" by Gloria Gaynor.

I notice M,BRM is doing the disco later...

What's really sad is that I really am in on a Friday. I wonder if Frasier's still on Fridays...
Re: off to - Dave Lacey aka Dr Dave
"but Dave Lacey and David Woolard wandered over and started talking to them about the advantages of the 2 1/4 litre landie engine over the 1.4 k-series"

Nice one! I like it..
Re: off to - Lee H
Eurrgh. Eight pints of virtual Specklen Hen followed a couple of brandies, a virtual Tandoori and three pints of Lager - my head is virtually killing me.

Can someone pass the virtual asprin?

Re: off to - Ian Cook
Lee H wrote:
> Eurrgh. Eight pints of virtual Specklen Hen followed a couple of brandies, a virtual Tandoori and three pints of Lager - my head is virtually killing me.
> Can someone pass the virtual asprin?
> Lee.

Crikey, Lee - it's a wonder you were able to type that post.

Well, I didn't get tha barbie lit - got involved in moving a fishpond instead (long story) so I'm just settling in to a pint of Bass - no pun intended about fish. I expect I'll have another when this one's gone.

A Tandoori for supper! Now, there's an idea.


Re: off to - Pegasus
Somebody earlier on got repremanded for putting a post up about DVDs and was told by Martin the it was not a motoring subject, true. Also a topic from Martin also stated about starting new threads about subjects without looking in the history. Tell me what this topic has remotely to do with motoring or anything of any sense at all. It's just all private chit chat most of it nonsense. At least posts about Gatsos have some sort of interest.
Re: off to - David W
Thing is there have been some 400 posts of a speeding/ranting nature over the past three or four days, but just this one thread of fourteen posts on what "we're" going to do in the virtual highway users pub on a Friday.

Another 386 to go on this friendly thread to even the balance??


1.Virtually sober still and it's Saturday night.
2. You won't see many 40yr old K-Series about!
Re: off to - mybrainhurts
Who the hell let you lot out................and what the hell are you on ??

Someone please tell me when it's safe to come out