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Passed by a caravan! - Darcy Kitchin
Cruising home last night south down the A1 I was passed by a boxy 3 door MPV type LHD vehicle about Galaxy size.

The name, "Dodge Caravan"

Of course I thoght of the Back Room immediately ...
Re: Passed by a caravan! - Mark
Hi Darcy

This puts me in mind of a very tatty caravan I passed on the M6 this week, it was being towed by a clapped out Cavalier at about 40mph and was clearly a mobile hazard waiting to turn into an accident.

Interestingly the name of the model of the caravan was "Swift"

any more suggestions for inappropriate caravan names?

as ever

Re: Passed by a caravan! - Dave
> any more suggestions for inappropriate caravan names?

Re: Passed by a caravan! - Alan Clark
Don't know about inappropriate names, but stickers along the lines of "we had a great week in Skegness" make me take extra caution when passing them...! (and I offer no apologies to Skegness folk as I have suffered 11 years here... and do not suggest I move...winter crime rates are worth it for the hassle of summer convoys of dreaded 'vans...!)
Re: Passed by a caravan! - Brian
Sure it wasn't "Dodgy Caravan"?
Re: Passed by a caravan! - John S

Common enough sight in the US, and no doubt with a large engine, so overtaking not a problem.

Not the same connotation with that name in the States of course, because over there Caravans are 'Trailers'.

So, the Dodge Caravan has echoes of exciting adventures on the Silk Road, rather than a wet weekend in Skegness.


Re: Passed by a caravan! - Derek
Are you sure that was the name, not a warning notice?
Re: Passed by a caravan! - Pete W
Here we go again......

Let's just ban every vehicle where the performance characteristics don't comply with time of day !!!!

( I have to agree that said Cavalier is not what we want and extra legislation is definitely required )

Having said that......

There's a range of Caravans with names of different planets - most appropriate FOR SOME.