Black plastic bumper: crack repair - mikem004
Any DIY options for repairing cracks in black plastic front bumpers?
N-reg Micra driven into a parking bollard!
Bumper is cracked but stable.
Are there such things as black filler materials available at Halfords etc.?

Black plastic bumper: crack repair - bell boy
i weld them with an old soldering iron
a bit of stickaflex/black silicon will usually cover a smallish hole
if it wasnt split boiling water brings them back to shape (or a hot air gun)
if you are good you could repair the bumper fill and smooth with body filler and then spray the whole bumper with satin black paint.
Black plastic bumper: crack repair - mikem004
Could you give me more details on the soldering iron technique? Sounds like it could cause a mess in the wrong hands!

I also have considered buying some normal white/grey filler and mixing in some black ink/dye before applying.

Black plastic bumper: crack repair - bell boy
make sure the two joints are together and then cross stitch the molten plastic into the hole,ideally you have a bit of spare of a same type bumper and use this as a welding rod (watch the fumes) i used to use this technique with a hot air gun but its much more controlled with the soldering iron.
Ideally you need to weld both sides but ive just repaired a colour coded bumper the same way (one side only as its a pain to get off 'fiat') filled it with minimum body filler and then blown in the repair this saved me well over £100.
just take your time.........
Black plastic bumper: crack repair - mikem004
Thanks OM. I'll give this a try. Fortunately its an old car so the repair doesn't need to be up to pro standard.
What's the biggest crack that can be fixed using a soldering iron? Biggest crack on mine is getting on for 1/4 inch. Maybe I should do a rough fill on that one first...

In Halfords today I also saw some 2-part bumper repair filler stuff. But bog standard car filler would probably do as well.

Black plastic bumper: crack repair - steveo3002
halfords and such like should have a 2 part epoxy glue for repairing the crack, the filler is used to smooth the joins

you could grab any color glue they have , then dust some black plastic aerosol paint over the repair

or if you want black plastic glue...this is the stuff we use at the bodyshop innotec plastic repair system
Black plastic bumper: crack repair - wedgeallgone
Hi,plastic padding do a fuel tank repair filler which is black in colour works a treat on black bumpers.NIck