advanced driving test any experience - barney100
Has anyone any experience of the IAM driving test and instruction. What does it entail and what does it cost? Thanks.
advanced driving test any experience - daveyjp
I passed the IAM test 6 weeks after my driving test - I was taught the IAM way by my father who wasn't a driving instructor at the time and never thought he would be. This was almost 20 years ago so no doubt things have changed, but what is taught hasn't much.

Instruction was once a month and you went out with a different advanced driver each time and marked on various aspects of your driving. Test is taken when you feel you are ready and is usually conducted by an ex traffic policeman. Takes about an hour and a half and covers all types of roads.

I am no longer a member of he IAM, but I still remember all I was taught and drive accordingly, I've never had an accident, never been stopped as a result of my driving and never had any points on my licence.

If you are interested invest in a copy of 'Roadcraft' as this forms the basis of IAM tuition.
advanced driving test any experience - Stuartli
My son passed his IAM test after six successive Sundays of being accessed and advised for approximately two hours in the company of a traffic police officer; all the routes taken were over areas with which he was not particularly familiar and at least an hour's driving time from where he lives.

He was only 28 at the time he took the full test, but has always taken pride in his driving skills and, naturally, continues to hone them to the best of his ability.
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What\'s for you won\'t pass you by
advanced driving test any experience - Stuartli

You can find out all about the IAM at:

Your local IAM branch may well have a website as well, otherwise the local newspaper probably carries information on its meetings and where and when they are held.
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What\'s for you won\'t pass you by
advanced driving test any experience - grn

Another very good advanced driving organisation.
Keep your standards up with grading and re-testing.

advanced driving test any experience - TimW
Does an IAM qualification reduce insurance? I seem to remember there was some sort of may be another qualification I'm thinking of though.
advanced driving test any experience - Robin Reliant
It does with some companies. We get 10% 0ff our AA subscription with IAM membership.
advanced driving test any experience - grn
Best discount is by never having to make a claim because you were travelling at the right speed, on the right part of road in the right gear ;-)

True discounts as rather slim, far better to keep costs slow by being safe through skill rather than luck :p.

advanced driving test any experience - borasport20
it should cost about £80, though some local branches have subsidised it with a cashback offer (after you pass....)

Bear in mind the IAM is a voluntary organisation - it's not like signing up with a driving school, or any other sort of formal 'training'. There is no 'instruction' or 'instructors' as such. If you sign up as an 'associate' you'll be provided with loads of bumf that describes the 'system' of car control, and then over a period of about 8 weeks, you will accompany/be accompanied by an 'observer' and you will discuss how you and he apply the 'system' on the observed run.

When they think you're up to it you will be put up for the test, which takes 1 1/2 - 2 hours and is conducted usually by a serving traffic policeman. You do not pass or fail, but in the modern idiom, you are 'recommended for membership' or somesuch phrase - the branch may then invite you to become an observer

(this is all SWMBO's expereince from last year - I dont think much will have changed'


advanced driving test any experience - Big Vern
Yep I 2nd what Borasport says, that was my experience and it was well worth it for me.. I had read roadcraft before and I don't think I 'learnt' much more in terms of what I could write down on paper, however it did wonders for my standard of driving. I just wish that there monthly meetings held a bit more to inspire you to stay an active member, but I guess that varies from group to group.

Got 10% of my insurance with Admiral so it has more than paid for itself.

Do not think that you will gain any form of respect from friends or family by gaining it, it is more often than not a stick to beat you with, as 'you should know better what with being an advanced driver and all' :o)
advanced driving test any experience - smokie
I'd agree with Vern and Bora. Completed mine in Feb. I'd been driving for nigh 30 years so had "learnt a lot of bad things" which in some cases still aren't completely unlearnt.

Some of the techniques were especially difficult to master (IPSGA springs to mind...) but there is no doubt that my driving is altogether smoother and safer as a result.

I haven't shopped around much for insurance yet - I am with Direct Line, who don't give any discount for it - but I did call the IAMs own broker (as advertised in their mag) but it was nearly double what I am currently paying!!!

The total cost of membership and all observed runs and the test was £85. I think membership is £15 pa after that.

The odd thing about IAM is that once you have it there is no re-test. RoSPA do a similar test but you are re-tested every three years and passes are graded (Gold, silver, bronze) so you can be gold one year then drop back to bronze at your re-test.

My group always invites members to be observers, and the organisation now expects observers to undergo training (which in the past was not required).

The monthly meetings of my group usually consist of "business" then a speaker. As with any speakers and topics, some are good, some are not so good. I've been going every month but see this dropping off a little as I will get more choosy.