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AUDI name - Darcy Kitchin
Anyone out there know how the name AUDI was derived?

I thought it was an acronym of Auto Union Deutche Industrie or some such.

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Re: AUDI name - Andy P
Audi was named after August Horch, whose family name would be "Audi" in Latin. Born in 1868, he worked for Karl Benz for a time, then founded August Horch & Cie in 1899 in Cologne. The first Horch automobile was built in 1900/1902. Through a series of mergers, it became Auto Union, then Audi.

And finally, the word Audi translates to "Listen!"

Re: AUDI name - Darcy Kitchin
Thanks Andy, was sure Auto Union featured somewhere.
Re: AUDI name - Roger Jones
Thanks, Andy, for a new angle on this. I had always thought that it was the acronym from Auto Union Deutscher Industrie, which is what comes up at an acronym/abbreviation website, but the Audi site confirms your version.
Re: AUDI name - Andy Bairsto
The word Audi does not mean listen in German in fact it means Audi.
Listen is HÖREN .I have lived in Germany 11 years and my wife is German and we have never heard of such a translation nor is it in my 6 inch thich Duden,the rest is 100% correct.
Andy Bairsto
Re: AUDI name - Andy Bairsto
Perhaps you meant Audi in Latin means listen if so I apologise
Re: AUDI name - Alwyn
What does SEAT stand for? I know it begins Societe Espanol but there my knowledge ends.
Re: AUDI name - Simon Butterworth
Think the AT bit is something like Autos Turistico?.
Re: SEAT name - Marc
Seat Stands for:

Sociedad Espanol Automoviles de Turismo.

Means Spanish Touring cars company. - Used to be state owned back in the days of General Franco and used to turn out various rebadged Fiats, until VW got hold of it....

Spain is home to various oddball vehicles made over the years, best was the Austin Victoria - a kind of cross between a Triumph Dolomite and Austin 1100.

Anyone know what TVR stands for ? Ive heard "Thwaites Vehicle Restoration" and "Trevor" ????
Re: SEAT name - Moosh
TreVoR Wilkinson started the company in 1947
Re: AUDI name - MPA
Andy P is half right. Horch formed the Horch car company but lost control of it. He set up a new company which he called Audi because that is the latin for "I hear", i.e. means the same as Horch does in German.
Re: AUDI name - MPA
SAAB is an acronym as well isn't it? Something like Svenska Aeroplan AB?
Re: AUDI name - Andy P
Near enough! SAAB is an abbreviation for "Svenska Aeroplanaktiebolaget", roughly translates to "Swedish Airplane Ltd." The company started as a manufacturer of airplanes to the Royal Swedish Airforce.
