average speed cameras on the m25 - gjhjj38

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Edited by Avant on 01/04/2014 at 00:26

average speed cameras on the m25 - injection doc

Done over an average pair !

The speed limit signs when on are Huge and unmissable.

How would you feel if it was your children at the side of the road working when you went speeding through.!

average speed cameras on the m25 - Cris_on_the_gas

Correct they work in pairs. You will only receive one Notice of Intended Procecution (NIP) as only one offence was commited.

The NIP has to be served within 14 days of the offence occuring, normally done by post to the registered keeper of the vehicle. The rk is obliged by s.172 of the road traffic act 1988 to disclose details of the driver.

So you just have to wait and see what happens

average speed cameras on the m25 - gordonbennet

50mph limit, for a little stretch of the motorway I was doing 65- 70,as the kids where playing up, I hadn't realised the speed limit,

Not sure quite what to say here.

average speed cameras on the m25 - thunderbird

The OP was speeding in roadworks on the motorway because they were being distracted by the kids.

Suggest that they do not use that as an excuse if they get a letter.

However, they need to take more care on the roads, their post shows a very poor attitude to road safety. Being distracted at motorway speeds for even a short time can be disasterous, being distracted for the period mentioned by the OP especially so.

average speed cameras on the m25 - galileo

Spacing between cameras is usually 2 - 4 km; OP says he passed 4 or 5, which is quite a long distance to not notice the limit signs.

average speed cameras on the m25 - Bromptonaut

This is the section on the NE quadrant of the motorway between M11 and A1. Only go through them occasionally as about the only place we go in that direction is Dover. They're bloomin obvious thoughboth from the signage and the observable context of narrow lanes, mahinery in use etc.

If OP gets NIP/notice to name I'm afraid only option is to 'fess up and take fine/points.

average speed cameras on the m25 - gjhjj38

i didnt say i went through 4-5 i said what if i did would it be a fine for each,if i was going over the speed limit it was not for more than 2 miles,it just seemed there was alot of cameras going along the motorway,

average speed cameras on the m25 - gjhjj38

there was no work being done at the time,there was no signs on the gantry,i understand i was wrong ,im a good lady driver with no accidents to date,