Casio F - 91W - Stuart Edridge

I expect there are a number of Backroomers out there who also have this watch.

Please would one of you explain to me how I can alter the setting from 24 hours to 12 hours each of a m and p m.

Casio F - 91W - Engineer Andy

Google is your friend (though not all the time [cesnsorship and all]):

Casio F - 91W - Stuart Edridge

Thank-you Andy. Easy when you know how!

Casio F - 91W - Paul_1

Hey Stu

Bottom right button. Easy fix. You can bump it by accident quite easily and keep knocking it back and forth.

Excellent cheap watches though!

Casio F - 91W - Brit_in_Germany

The "24 HR" on the display is a bit of a giveaway.

Casio F - 91W - John26922


If you still didn't find the solution so I suggest the best way is to google it because I am not completely transferring this technique to you by writing on this forum.

Casio F - 91W - Engineer Andy


If you still didn't find the solution so I suggest the best way is to google it because I am not completely transferring this technique to you by writing on this forum.

A very obvious segway to you posting some spam, eh 'John'? The issue was already resolved ages ago.

Edited by Engineer Andy on 04/02/2021 at 11:47