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BMW 320 d - BMW diesel swirl flaps - frogmarch

Hi my mate has got a 2005 BMW 320 d with 2.0 engine and when you start it up it sounds like it's misfiring and there is no throttle response then after a while it clears and throttle comes back .put code reader on and codes come up p3263 . P1278 . P0402 one was for egr valve but he has cleaned it . The other 2 code refered to swirl flap problem .can you just blank the flaps and do this need mapping out as I have seen the flap replacement kit but just wondered if it has to be mapped out afterwards thanks

BMW 320 d - BMW diesel swirl flaps - gordonbennet

Family had swirl flaps removed from two 320d's, no remapping was needed.

BMW 320 d - BMW diesel swirl flaps - Ian D
No remap required, the blanks can be bought from e.g. pmwltd and fit yourself if you are a very competent diyer or a BMW specialist will do it in 2 or 3 hours
BMW 320 d - BMW diesel swirl flaps - frogmarch

Hi not been on for a while but the BMW is still playing up so stuck code reader on and came up with codes p4212 , p1278, p0402 and p 3263 I know one would be egr but had new egr on it could it be swirlflaps sticking , when you first start it it sounds that its misfiring badly and no throttle you can put your foot flat down and nothing then after a bit it will be ok any ideas thanks

BMW 320 d - BMW diesel swirl flaps - Railroad.

I think you need to get the inlet manifold off and give it a thorough clean. It's most likely coked up with carbon to the point where the engine is seriously struggling for air. Forget in situ cleaning products. There's nothing you can put in the air intake that will clean it, and on which the engine won't run away. Dismantle and manual cleaning is the only way to do this. On the bright side when it's done you should have an engine that runs better than it has for a long time.

BMW 320 d - BMW diesel swirl flaps - frogmarch

Hi thanks for replies my mate says it don't do it all the time and when the throttle and running clears it goes like a rocket but is it still worth pulling manifold off as he has got set off glow plugs to put in and he is saying that may aswell do swirl flaps and will have to measure flaps to see what size we need

BMW 320 d - BMW diesel swirl flaps - Railroad.

Diesel engines don't have a throttle like petrol engines do. Instead engine speed is controlled by fuel metering. The air intake is open all the time. Most modern diesels do have a butterfly valve in the air intake but it's not a throttle and does not control engine speed. It's to ensure the engine stops quickly when switched off by closing the valve and blocking the air intake.

BMW 320 d - BMW diesel swirl flaps - frogmarch

Hi if been reading on other forums that the swirlflaps are a problem on the BMW engines what else could it be and if I do swirlflaps where is best place to get the blanks from thanks

BMW 320 d - BMW diesel swirl flaps - Railroad.

Hi if been reading on other forums that the swirlflaps are a problem on the BMW engines what else could it be and if I do swirlflaps where is best place to get the blanks from thanks

You haven't really been listening. The intake manifold is probably bunged up with carbon deposits and restricting inlet air flow. There's probably nothing wrong with the swirl flaps. There isn't much that can be wrong with them. They just need a good thorough clean so they can open and close freely. There isn't any other way you're going to do this. It's a dirty job but it needs doing.

BMW 320 d - BMW diesel swirl flaps - Ian D
Whilst cleaning the inlet manifold remove the swirl flaps and fit blanks, they have a notorious reputation on your engine to break and bits get sucked into the engine trashing it, even if they look ok, remove and blank them.
BMW 320 d - BMW diesel swirl flaps - frogmarch

Yh will do as its my mates car we will have to have a look ?

BMW 320 d - BMW diesel swirl flaps - frogmarch

Hi reference my mates BMW put code reader on and codes come with codes for MAF sensor so disconnected MAF wiring and the throttle was back Rickover was fine so got new MAF an put on but still no throttle so disconnected it and throttle came back put wire back on and disconnected iat sensor and throttle was there ,seems we disconnect we get throttle back any ideas thanks

BMW 320 d - BMW diesel swirl flaps - Railroad.

Once again, air flow. Loss of air flow = reduced MAF signal.

BMW 320 d - BMW diesel swirl flaps - frogmarch

So your saying it can be manifold need taking off and cleaning would this put all the codes on and why would disconnecting MAF sensor and IAT sensor make the throttle return thanks