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Back to the future in adland - Richard Hall
Ever seen any of those old car ads of the Fifties, where the proportions of upright boxes such as the Ford Popular and Humber Super Snipe were subtly (sometimes not so subtly) tweaked to make the cars appear longer and lower?

The practice died out when manufacturers started using photos rather than drawings in ads. But now it's back. Today's Telegraph, page 18, Fiat ad. One of the cars has very obviously been digitally 'enhanced' to turn it into a sleek, low-roofed sports coupe. No prizes for guessing which.

Richard Hall
Back to the future in adland - J Bonington Jagworth
"The practice died out when manufacturers started using photos.."

Not entirely. It's still common practice to place weights inside a car to make it sit lower for photos - unless it's an oleo-pneumatic Citroen, of course, in which case they probably have to jack it up!