Lorries and overtaking - wotspur
The other day driving back from Dover the number of times I was prevented from free and easy travelling by lorries pulling out to overtake. Now we all know there are far to many foreign lories on our roads, not only fully loaded up with their goods but also to the brim with cheap fuel, making Dover's hills nigh on impossible to overtake in under a few miles.
Isn't it now time for all lorries to be weighed on arrival in Britain, load + fuel, and on departure, and an amount charged pro rata for the use and destruction of our roads. Also a board showing the weight of the load to assist other drivers the likelihood of safe, quick overtaking.
Lorries and overtaking - blue_haddock
Do a forum search - this topic has been discussed at great length several times over.
Lorries and overtaking - Vin {P}
I was waiting for someone who hadn't read the post to say that.

What about his valid point about charging for damage to roads that aren't paid for by these behemoths?

Lorries and overtaking - autumnboy
making Dover's hills nigh on impossible to overtake in under a
few miles.

Also a board showing the weight of the load to assist other drivers the likelihood of safe, quick >> overtaking.

What difference is the load of the vehicle going to make, when its the speed limiters that cause them to take so long to overtake each other, when one maybe 1mph faster than the other..

Not only the Foreign vehicles but ours too.

Agreed they should pay duty for travelling on our roads, same we should pay for travelling on theirs.

This topic is a recycled version of others of the past !!!!!!!!!!!
Lorries and overtaking - R75
The point about the speed limiters is the main problem with overtaking - as for showing the weight, you would also need to know the HP of the tractor unit etc. to work out if you would be able to overtake it.

I fully agree that non uk trucks whould be taxed to use UK roads, there are far too many of them that stay over here for weeks on end doing local work before going home, many of them will even duck back over the water to refuel!!! However, from what I have read on the subject the UK can not charge foreign trucks unless they use the same charging method for uk trucks, i.e. a system like the German Maut.
Lorries and overtaking - bell boy
i was out in my truck again today,isnt it about time these car drivers realised that when i set off with a load and change up a gear my road speed will drop? i get tired of them driving too near and nearlly ramming me as they play with their earpieces and scatty navs...........