Mine also involves a BMW convertible, this time in Spain. I'm standing at the gas station filling my holiday rental box and enjoying the day, when said car screeches to a halt on the other side of my pump island. Ricky Martin type in muscle shirt, gold jewelry in abundance, blaring music all that, plus it has to be said a pretty gorgeous companion. Having exited car and strutted about a bit to make sure he is noticed by all within eyeshot, our Ricky sidles up to the pumps, oozing his masculine charm amid waves of Kouros, the while ogling his gorgeous girlfriend with that sort of latin lounge lizard wriggle of the shoulders those types perfect, all the while carrying on visual intercourse with her as he flips open the filler, grabs the pump nozzle from behind, boogies about a bit to his music and proceeds to fill his BMW up.....with diesel.
"Mmmm.... driving for pleasure. Now that's an interesting concept. I wonder how it works in practice?"
The above was Volvoman's contribution to the thread on "Driving for pleasure" so, assuming that we don't all define driving/touring/motoring for pleasure identically, who is to say that the so-called posers weren't "driving/touring/motoring for pleasure" as they saw it?
In that case, I must say that I am somewhat saddened that other contributors to this thread seem to be able to square their obvious schadenfreude at other drivers' sometimes expensive misfortunes with their role as the serious motorists I have always taken them to be.
I am genuinely not being snitchy, because I always enjoy their contributions (especially Growler's as he well knows, not to mention Volvoman's frankness, and Pugugly's professional knowledge), just curious ...
Regards to all three.
Lad across the road from one of my student digs had a gold Metro - was always polishing it etc, and drove like a complete t**t. Always ragging it up and down the street late at night etc.
I came home one day to find it in the back lane with the front all smashed in - we all know that is only driver error.
I didn't stop chuckling for a week.
UJ - I think you've got me wrong. I like driving very much, it's just that I can't seem to find anywhere near here where I can enjoy it anymore in the normal course of events.
Also, to be fair, I don't think anyone here takes delight at the misfortune of genuine, sensible motorists. It's just that there are a percentage who go out of there way to be noticed in one way or another (e.g. aggressive, inconsiderate or dangerous driving, deafening music you can hear half a mile away etc., etc.) and there is a certain sense of natural justice apparent when these people come down to earth with a bump.
Given the above, I'm sure none of you are going to have a sneaky snigger when I tell you that reversing into my drive last night (as I have done several times a day for 16 years without incident) I knocked the near side wing mirror off !
'There but for the grace of God go I' perhaps ?
UJ: I ditto volvoman, and must confess I have had my share. Being so busy fiddling with the music caused me to drive my old Mitsubishi 4WD into an unlit pile of sand at 60 kph. Belts, airbags, bull-bar driven into front-end, the whole ball of wax.
Not only that, severe embarrassment when I did what a lot of locals do here to avoid traffic, but with the wrong guy. Frequently the local mayor, or some bigwig or just a rich chappie who can pay the cops to provide him with one, will scythe through the traffic flanked by an escort with several police cars and outriders with lights flashing and sirens wailing. Any quick-witted Filipino spotting this will immediately swing out and tag along on the back of the procession to benefit from the event and speed through the jams.
So, what else but copy them. Trouble is on this occasion I did think it was unusual. There were more biker cops than normal and a lot had SWAT on the back of black uniforms. It also must have been a very VIP to have an APC full of mean looking grunts with M-16'sin his motorcade. All of this started to impinge on my consciousness until I found my way suddenly blocked by two menacing porkers on bikes who stopped me, made me get out, produce my ID and explain why I was following the (then) President of the Republic, Fidel Ramos. Embarrassed foreigner subjected to stares of many passers-by with that supercilious serve-you-b*****-well right look me and my fellow posters inflicted our "come-uppees".
Do I get off the hook, now?
I liked the idea of this thread until it dawned on me that the majority of us seem to have these speeding tickets or silly prangs - and haven't got the consolation of the posey car and obligatory "babe" in the passenger seat!
I would just like to say hello to my wife at this point, who is of course a wonderful woman.
I sure as hell haven't got a posey car but the wife, on the other hand, is another matter. I don't think I'll be trading her in in the near future !
Yours every so smugly !
wait until you have a problem with getting things started on a cold morning.
I sure as hell haven't got a posey car but the wife, on the other hand, is another matter. I don't think I'll be trading her in in the near future !
Whatever would HelplessFemale have to say about that!!
Only just saw this implication on my relationship with Volvoman!!!
For the record, Volvoman assists me in technical matters - my other requirements are fulfilled, extremely well I have to say, by another source!
:-0!!!!!! Only just saw this implication on my relationship with Volvoman!!! For the record, Volvoman assists me in technical matters - my other requirements are fulfilled, extremely well I have to say, by another source!
Pizza Express?
Parp, Parp!
Note: All Toad posts come with an implied smiley.
Pizza Express?
How on earth did you guess that?
>> Pizza Express? >> How on earth did you guess that? Helpless.
Toad isn't as green as he looks (he is, in fact, greener!)
As you are obviously a weak-willed and feeble woman, Toad has deduced that your car is always off the road, ergo you can't drive to Pizza Hut, therefore you have to get it delivered.
How did you guess?
Toad isn't as green as he looks (he is, in fact, greener!) As you are obviously a weak-willed and feeble woman, Toad has deduced that your car is always off the road, ergo you can't drive to Pizza Hut, therefore you have to get it delivered.
Nah. It's just a lot of desperate blokes drink heavily there! ;-)
I'll get my coat...
Parp, Parp!
Note: All Toad posts come with an implied smiley.
Nah. It's just a lot of desperate blokes drink heavily there! ;-) I'll get my coat...
Off to Pizza Express, then?:)
Off to Pizza Express, then?:)
There isn't *nearly* enough censorship on this site....
Parp, Parp!
Note: All Toad posts come with an implied smiley.
Nah. It's just a lot of desperate blokes drink heavily there! ;-) I'll get my coat... -- P********** Note: All Toad posts come with an implied smiley.
I trust this isn't an insinuation that I am desperate too? I'll have the drink though, if you're offering :)
As you are obviously a weak-willed and feeble woman, Toad has deduced that your car is always off the road, ergo you can't drive to Pizza Hut, therefore you have to get it delivered.
Weak-willed? Feeble? To the contrary, I'm afraid. Why only the other day I single-handedly removed a spider from the bath - armed only with a six-foot fishing net and head-to-toe body armour - Tremendous strength of mind and deermination, I'm sure you'll agree - and no help from Volvoman there, I hope you'll note.
As or the car always being off the road - you couldn't be further wrong, my friend, it is ALWAYS on the road, since I am unable to manoevre it into the garage.
There, that told you!