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Provident Car Insurance - Blue {P}
Someone I know just got his car insurance from £1500 with Tescos down to £550 with Provident car insurance. :)

Thinking about trying them myself, has anyone heard of them, or better yet, dealt with them? They any good?

I looked at their website but it was about as much use a chocolate fireguard. Just gave some rubbish about specialising in women drivers, driving older cars on TPFT policys, but he's 19 with 1 years NCB, 3 points and 1 (non-fault) total loss!

Provident Car Insurance - googolplex
i could use a chocolate fireguard...
Provident Car Insurance - Mark (RLBS)
Well, things may well have changed, but they were always regarded as having one of the best customer services for both the policy and claims processes.

They were also particularly good for young drivers when a parent was already insured with them.

Certainly they are a "quality" company and no fly-by-night although, as with all insurers, you will hear of people with both good and bad experiences.
Provident Car Insurance - Blue {P}
Thanks Mark, as long as they have a good name, that's all I'm interested in.

Do you think I would get a better quote by going into an office, or should it be exactly the same by ringing them?

If I can get a quote of £1200 or below in my own name then I will get my dad to give me the Fiesta and cancel his policy, and take a new one out in my own name immediately. As my mate's insurance went down from £1500 to £550, I'm hopeful. :)

Provident Car Insurance - Blue {P}
OK, apparently the company isn't the Provident, he got confused, apparently it's the Prudential.

Any more thoughts? :)

Provident Car Insurance - Mark (RLBS)
Know nothing about them. 'Spect they're ok.
Provident Car Insurance - Blue {P}
Would think so, I'm gonna give them a ring tommorow 'cos tey don't quote anyone under 21 through their website, I'm hoping that they quote over the phone, I'm absoloutely certain that my mate at work isn't 21 and he got insured so they must do...

Pru Car Insurance - lezebre
They're a blue chip company - oh! no pun intended, Blue.
Many of us remember the Man from the Pru knocking on the door weekly to collect the readies.
Pru Car Insurance - Mark (RLBS)
Sorry, I wasn't clear. I know a lot about the Pru, but I've never dealt with them on motor policy or claim matters.

Mind you, their business isn't in great shape.
Pru Car Insurance - keithb
The Pru no longer underwrites motor insurance. They just act as an agent for Churchill. All of their existing motor insurance portfolio has been transferred (sold?) to Churchill.
Pru Car Insurance - Blue {P}
Yes, I still have fond memories of the day that the CIS lady came to call for the premium and I realised that I'd mislaid £1350 cash! :) Happy days.

Fortunately my brother found it where I had left it for "safe keeping so that I won't lose it" I bought him a great big McDonalds for that. :)

Pru Car Insurance - Blue {P}
Yes, I rang them today, my quote came out at £2500! :(

How can one company differ so wildly for two people with such similar circumstances?

Never mind, I can always try a different one another time...

I might give Tescos and DL a go again shortly, see what they can do, especially as at the moment I reckon I could splash out about £1600 at a push if I included the value of my dad's exisitng policy which he is happt to let me do.

I just feel a bit sick that a careful person like myself can't even get insured for less than £2000. :(

Pru Car Insurance - Mark (RLBS)
Well, assuming that he hasn't either insured it in his parents' name and isn't telling stories;

What are the respective;


Pru Car Insurance - Blue {P}
The circumstances are very similar, he's one year older than me, drives a 1.4 Clio (R reg) and presumably has the normal SDP usage. His fully comp quote was £700, TPFT was £550.

He lives in the same SR postcode, he has speeding points and 1 years NCB.

Do these companies have some sort of database that specifically identifies people who they are never going to quote competitively for? :( I don't know what I've done to deserve these bad quotes.

I appreciate that the Fiesta is a Ghia, but it's in the same insurance group as a Freestyle so I thought it wouldn't make a difference, but the woman at the Pru said that it was probably adding about a third to my quote! :(

Think I'll go and try Tescos again now...

Pru Car Insurance - Blue {P}

£2450! :(

What's the matter with them? I really don't deserve this. :(

Pru Car Insurance - HF
Hi Blue,

Sorry to hear about your insurance problems, there's nothing unfortunately that I can say that will help you.

The cheapest quote I had this year was from 'Budget Insurance Services', (which I couldn't take up for cetain reasons)but obviously my circumstances and car are different to your own. Maybe it's worth just giving them a call? Sorry to be of no further assistance, and good luck.

Let us know how you get on?
Pru Car Insurance - Blue {P}
Thanks HF, I'm starting to lose hope of ever getting insurance below £2000. :(

However, there is no immediate need to take out a policy in my own name, it was just when my mate got a policy as cheap as he did, I thought I could actually save money by taking out a policy with them. Ha! Waste of time, however, tommorow I may well give DL and Budget a ring, rather than doing it on-line, 'cos I'm never sure how to select the claim that I made after the accident, and I'm a bit suspicous that this may have bumped the premium up.

I'll definately let you know what I get told. At least if one good thing comes of it, you'll be able to smile when you open your own renewal and find it's sub-£1000! :)

Pru Car Insurance - HF
Hello Blue,
However, there is no immediate need to take out a policy
in my own name,

Well, that's good anyway Blue, if you aren't forced yet into getting a policy in your own name then maybe just don't do it yet. And 2 grand sounds incredible to me. I'm no expert and I know they can make massive changes due to car, age, experience etc

But yes, do get proper telephone quotes - I think most of the online ones aren't worth the 'paper' (screen?) they're written on.

I'd imagine that they have put your premium up due to the accident, but that is only my guess and it would be better if you ask somone knowledgable about these things,like Mark(RBLS) about this, I believe he is our insurance expert here.

Finally, I will never smile when my insurance premium is just less than 1000 pounds (no pound sign, sorry) - because I only have TPFT anyway, due to my own financial limitations!

Hope you find what you're looking for, Blue, and keep us posted.
Take care
Pru Car Insurance - Mark (RLBS)

I don't know how old you are, but I'm guessing you're a young driver. A year difference in age, depending which ages, can make a huge difference to the premium or even to getting a quotation at all.

It is very common to find an insurer who is competitive for a 17yr old is terrible for an 18yr old and vice versa, it depends what their target risk is like.

The same thing can happen with cars. An insurer can decide they generally like, for example, Fiestas and give good rates for them. However, ghias are statistically much more prone to accident - which is not much to do with the car and much more to do with the type of person who typically drives them.

Those two things together coudl easily double a quotation.

However, I think your mate said his insurance was 500 quid or thereabouts and they're quoting you 2500 ? Something wrong, or something you're missing - the difference is too big.
Pru Car Insurance - Blue {P}
I know, I'm gonna go on a mission tommorow to try and get insurance for £1700 or below, which is the maximum that I can afford at the moment even taking into account the value of the current policy that my dad has on the car.

I would just feel happier to know that I can have the car whenever I want and without risking my dad's claims history which my bump has already made more complicated for him to explain to the insurance companies.

Any thoughts on where I could get a policy for that sort of money? I've tried all of the usual suspects and I'm getting nowhere, I'm beginning to think that getting a Ghia was a bad idea (hey that rhymes doesn't it?), despite it been in a reasonable insurance group the companies obviously have a picture of me wearing my backwards baseball cap and wrapping it round a tree every 5 minutes, and then coming back to find it's been stolen. :(

BTW Mark, I'm 18, so yes, the year could have made a difference, but I never thought by 300%! I'm probably missing something.

Pru Car Insurance - Mark (RLBS)
>>the year could have made a difference, but I never thought by 300%

Like I said, the difference is too great.

Is it possible you are not getting the truth of this from your friend ? It would make sense if the insurance was in someone else's name.

As for where you could get a policy for that sort of money, go to Bennetts. I'm not saying that they can, but if anyone can they can. I make no comment on quality, although I think they're ok.

For a standard car, standard young driver, they will be there or thereabouts. If they are 50 quid more than you want, it might be worth shopping around. However, if they are hundreds more than you probably have no chance.

One thing you could try is explore your current arrangements a bit. If you are a named driver, and if you are declared as the main user, then in a year or two with a clean record, they may well give you a sizeable intro in your own name.

While you are ringing Bennetts for a quote, tell them you are ringing for two quotes and one is for your friend, make up a name, and give them your friends details - just out of interest.
Provident Car Insurance - mercedes-owner
With my micra, Prudential said - £1372 TPFT, but Tesco said £684 fully comp, so i went with Tesco. Personally i thought this was too good to be true, seeing as i am a 22 year old male, in an iffy/OK area (famous for some riots in 1995), with no NCB. The worst quote ever was the AA with £2692 TPFT.
Provident Car Insurance - Carmad 10000
The AA are terrible for prices - personally i found Tesco to be very competitive however, the best firm i tried was CIS.co.uk - they were excellent - give them a try! - on my friends premium (hes 17) as a named driver on a toyota corolla with his parents, tesco quoted £550 with £150 excess on TPFT - with the same excess it cost him only £320....for FULLY COMP! i know these are genuine quotes as he was using my computer to print them off.....b***** cheek! :-D
Provident Car Insurance - RichardW
My car is insured with Prudential. Their price FC and including breakdown cover was less than anybody else could get for TPFT only AND they allow you to pay monthly at no extra charge. However, they hiked the price up 20% when I changed from a BX TD to a Xantia TD last month, so I guess I'll be looking elsewhere again in March when it's time for the annual agony. Prudential is incidentally the only company that I have renewed my insurance with - every other year I have changed it!

Provident Car Insurance - Blue {P}
Well, DL came up at £2450, no surprises there seeing as they underwrite Tescos.

Mark - I tried Bennetts, at least I think I did, I looked up their phone number on-line, rang it, but it was for bike quotes, she gave me a number for car quotes and it was for a company called Dial Direct, the guy there said that they were a part of Bennetts? Is this the right company? If so, thanls for suggesting them, but unfortunately they came up with £3380! :(

Provident Car Insurance - Dynamic Dave

Have you tried the co-op? They were pretty reasonable for younger drivers a while ago.

Provident Car Insurance - Blue {P}
Thanks DD, that's who we're with at the moment, I am going to try them again just before I cancel their policy, the last time I tried though they were over £2K in my own name, but are only £1350 at present.

Anyway, WOO HOO!!!! :) :) :)

I just tried Liverpool Victoria, they quoted £1850! :)

Bet I'm the only person that gets excited when they get quoted below £2K! I may actually be able to afford their cover after next pay day.

Provident Car Insurance - Andy22
elephant.co.uk always the best price for me and many others.
Provident Car Insurance - Alfafan {P}
I've no idea how much they'll charge for you, but I've always ahd great service from Quotebusters. They're on 01727 875777. Ok, I know I've got max NCD, but the total cost of Fully Comp on an Alfa 75 and a Celica is less than £500.
Provident Car Insurance - Alfafan {P}
PS re Quotebusters. You actually talk to a person who knows what he's talking about, not somebody tripping through a questionnaire.
Provident Car Insurance - Blue {P}
Thanks Alfafan, I rang everyone else today, and even Churchill couldn't better the quote from Liverpool Victoria.

I'm gonna try quotebusters tommorow and then see about making arrangements to cancel the CIS policy unless they do something mighty special.

Mark - I'm sorry this is dragging on, but I promise that this is the last bit of advice I will ask! :) Have you an opinion on LV? I've never heard of them before.

Provident Car Insurance - DavidHM
I know nothing about LV other than that they've been around a while. My father has had home insurance with them since 1986 (!) because his mortgage told him to. They're extremely expensive for him, but he still won't change for some reason.

Tenuous I know but at least you know they're not a fly by night now.
Provident Car Insurance - Mark (RLBS)
Sorry, Blue, I don;t.

However, all Insurers have to comply to various rules & laws. If one should, and its very unlikely, go bust then the others have to cover its losses via the Insurance Assoc.

My point being, the difference between a good and a bad insurer is mostly quality of service. The only other area it could affect you would be in efficiency or generosity in dealing with damage or loss to your car.

Provident Car Insurance - Andy22
please try www.elephant.co.uk, i'm sure they will be cheaper

tells us your results
Provident Car Insurance - Blue {P}
Sorry mate, already tried Elephant, can't remember the exact figure, but I do recall that it was about £1000 more than LV!

However, I've decided to go with LV so I rang them back to confirm the details, I enquired what would happen if I increased the excess by £100. Great result! They knocked over £250 off the policy. :)

My total premium now stands at an eye watering but otherwise affordable £1595! :)

Thank you Liverpool Victoria, I love you! :)

Provident Car Insurance - DavidHM
£100 excess, £250 reduction?

In other words, LV think you're going to have 2.5 claims in that car.

Provident Car Insurance - Blue {P}
Ah, I never thought of it like that!

Well, I guess it's now up to me to prove them wrong. :)

On the other hand, by upping my excess, they could say that I must be a more careful driver, as if I had a lot of accidents then I would not increase the excess. Well, that's the only other reasoning that I can think of for knocking more off the policy than they would get back in the event of a claim...

Provident Car Insurance - keithb
Sounds like a mistake so I'd grab it while you can. They'll probably correct it when renewal comes up next year.

LV is a thoroughly reputable co. It's a Friendly Society formed in the mid 1800s i.e. it's been going for > 150 years! and expanded into motor/home insurance about 10 years ago.

Just got an on-line quote for my 2 cars. Competitive for the BMW (Group 15) at about £350 but very expensive for the Saxo (Group 3) at > £200 - almost double the going rate. Very strange.
Provident Car Insurance - Blue {P}
Maybe they're only friendly with high risk drivers! :)

I'm definately going to grab it while I can, unfortunately I'm about to enter the busiest period of my working week, some people think of it as a weekend, but I'm not sure what they mean. :( So it'll have to be next week, doesn't matter though, the price is guaranteed for 90 days. :)

Provident Car Insurance - SteveH42
You might have already tried them, but I've found that Premium Direct (Alexander McNichol) gave me a good price. No online quote facility, but you can mail them your details and they'll quote.


Possibly a daft question, but have you thought of going to a (physical) broker? I got some good prices when I first invested in a car from one, although I ended up going with CGU because they offered interest free monthly payments. However, when they got taken over by NU, the premium rocketed and they introduced some stupidly high monthly charge.
Provident Car Insurance - HF
Hi Blue,

Nothing helpful to say except that I'm glad you've found an insurance company that is acceptable to you. Are you *sure* the price is guaranteed for 90 days? As in, if they found they *had* made a mistake, could they change their terms? If so, then, I'd strongly recommend you take out the policy immediately! I understand it's your busiest time right now, but if a couple of minutes on the phone can save you 250 quid - well it's probably worth trying for!

Hope all is ok, and all my best wishes,
Provident Car Insurance - DavidHM
Blue - let me know how you get on with LV. They were extremely good value for me as well.

I'm thinking of changing my car for a Focus next year when I get a better job. I've got quotes for my current car but unfortunately the company that's most competitive for me at the moment (£650) wants £1500 for a Focus Ghia TDCi.

On the other hand, Tesco want about £1100 for both cars.

LV seem to want about £650 for the Renault I have now and £1000 or so for the Focus, so it looks like they could be ideal for me.

Anything's better than my current insurer, who have not sent me a full policy even though I've been with them for 8 months and paid in full at the start; I've just received yet another monthly cover note from them.
Provident Car Insurance - Blue {P}
David - I certainly will let you know about LV, I don't forsee a problem, but then I should never count my chickens etc. :)

Hi HF,

Thanks, you are most likely right, if they discover a mistake, I'm sure that they could up the premium, however, I was so astounded on the phone that I asked the poor girl to read out my answer to every question that had been asked, so that I could confirm I hadn't accidentally given the wrong info! And I told her that it sounded like a mistake, but she assured me that that really was their genuine quote! :) So I'm not complaining...

I would take it up tonight, unfortunately, to take it out I need to have the cash from the exisitng policy which needs cancelling, and CIS are only open office hours, plus I need to get my dad to transfer the car into my name, if I suggested that we do this tonight, I don't think he would be too impressed!

Now that I've got the good quote though, yes, everything is fine thanks. Just got 3 assignments to finish by Tuesday, and a weekend at work to deal with now! :)

Have a nice weekend and take care.

Provident Car Insurance - DavidHM
If it's not too personal, I assume you're in retail.

I need to get up at 7.30 to put on my purple shirt and tie and sell stuff... guess where.

Have a good one anyway.
Provident Car Insurance - Blue {P}
I'm not sure on this one, The Link? No, that's more of a lilacy colour, er... damn, I can almost see the shop, but can't picture it's name, never mind.

Yes though, I am in retail, but call centre side of things, much nicer to know that the irate customers can't lean over and hit me! :) Plus I can wear whatever I want... :)

Provident Car Insurance - HF
Hello Blue (again!),

I guess if you went through it that carefully with the insurers then they can't really back down now? Were they one of these companies for whom you get a never-ending list of 'press 1 for this option' etc, and then finally tell you that they might record your conversation? Because if it's recorded then they have no way to back down, surely? And I'm sure I will be put right here if i am wrong ;) And we have many experts here who will be able to give you a much better opinion than I ever could.

Understand about the cash thing, and the dad thing - try and do it monday if you can, if not then just asap!

Good luck with the assignments, and the weekend work - btw may I ask what you're studying at uni, and what work it is that you have to do at the weekends? Not meaning to be nosey, just interested.