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Disabled buggies and cyclists - PLS
There has been correspondence in the national press recently regarding electric disabled buggies and cyclists being requred to have at least third party insurance. Having encountered one or two locally who insist on driving along the road this may be a good idea. It might also be a good idea for cyclists but enforcement would probably be a nightmare.
Disabled buggies and cyclists - Paul Mykatz-Tinks
Good idea........I was nearly poleaxed by a Hell's Grannie last week in a pedestrianised area.

Time for Gatsos in such areas, methinks.............
Disabled buggies and cyclists - Tom Shaw
If it were proved that more than a tiny minority of motorists were out of pocket because of the non insurance of cyclists then I would agree, but otherwise it would be a case of legislation merely for the sake of it. As you say, it would also be a nightmare to enforce.

As I already pay insuance on two cars and a motorcycle I would not welcome having to splash out another premium for the little used bicycle as well. As for disabled buggies, it would take a braver politician than any of the spin obsessed bunch we have at present to suggest that one.
Disabled buggies and cyclists - HF
Tom do you think we have ANY politicians that would stick their necks out that far, from any political party?
Disabled buggies and cyclists - Tom Shaw
Not unless they were sponsored by the insurance industry.
Disabled buggies and cyclists - Slice
Given the current fever for litigation at every opportunity it can only be a matter of time before somebody who has their foot run over by an electric wheelchair decides to sue the driver(?) for the injury and distress caused. Some sort of liability insurance might be a good idea, if only to avoid the possibility of being bankrupted.

I think compulsory third party insurance should be extended to all pedestrians as well. Bump into some in M&S, or tread on someone's toe in the queue at the Post Office and who knows how much that could end up costing you.

You can't be too careful.
Disabled buggies and cyclists - Trisha TR
I think bicycle insurance should be more widely available but in no means compulsory. As an earlier post hinted compulsory insurance would lead to less cycle use - surely against Tony Bleurghs dictatorial transport policies? If any legislation is introduced it should be in the dropping of VAT from all cycle helmets (inc motorbike).

For what it's worth you can successfully persue cyclists for damage you incur from their error. A mate was knocked from his motorbike (on a dual carriageway) as a cyclist swerved across the carriageway without looking. My friend hated to persue the elderly gent but as a student he couldn't afford the repairs and needed transport to get to the college. After this incident I took out insurance (fully-comp) as I cycled daily and figured it was worth it... thankfully I've never claimed!
Disabled buggies and cyclists - BrianW
On a main road in London last night I watched with amazement as a cyclist in dark clothing with no lights pulled a wheelie and then went through red traffic lights.

Short of knocking them off, cyclists are unidentifiable. They know it and shamelessly take advantage of it.
Disabled buggies and cyclists - Clear Spot
What about pedestrians - some considerable years ago, a mate of mine got sued by a motorcyclist whom he knocked over whilst crossing the road! My mate was unscathed from the incident btw.
Disabled buggies and cyclists - Baskerville
A lot of people (most?) already have third-party insurance as part of their house contents insurance. Having specific insurance policies is just another way of the insurance industry grabbing more money from us, because it will be more expensive to do it that way, for sure.
Disabled buggies and cyclists - Ian Cook
I think that a far better strategy than insurance is to change people's behaviour patterns. Get them to use their bicycles and electric buggies more safely and more responsibly. It ought to figure in our president's attack on anti-social behaviour.

Resorting to insurance to sort out a problem is a "failure" plan.

Ian Cook
Disabled buggies and cyclists - crazed
Disabled buggies and cyclists - J Bonington Jagworth
I don't think there'll be too many takers here (UK) at that price, but I think the Yanks will lap it up. I hope their sidewalks are bigger than ours, though. The manufacturers claim that a collision with one is no worse than with another pedestrian - I think the lawyers may claim otherwise!

BTW, I found some interesting statistics about bicycle accidents - you need to bear in mind that these are non-fatal ones and in the US, but even so...

50% involve no other party (i.e. just falling off)
14% involve collision with a stationary object (!)
11% involve a motor vehicle (i.e. 89% don't)
9% involve collision with another cyclist!

There's hope yet...
Disabled buggies and cyclists - Bromptonaut
BTW, I found some interesting statistics about bicycle accidents -
50% involve no other party (i.e. just falling off)
14% involve collision with a stationary object (!)
11% involve a motor vehicle (i.e. 89% don't)
9% involve collision with another cyclist!

Puts Bogush's deaths per pax mile figures into perspective ;-)

Disabled buggies and cyclists - J Bonington Jagworth
..per pax mile?
Disabled buggies and cyclists - GJD
..per pax mile?

pax = passenger(s)
Disabled buggies and cyclists - Graham
some of these wheeled ones are slow of body and slow of mind and whilst I wouldn't want to curtaiul their freedom some are an accident waiting to happen.
Disabled buggies and cyclists - GJD
some of these wheeled ones are slow of body and slow
of mind and whilst I wouldn't want to curtaiul their freedom
some are an accident waiting to happen.

Indeed they are, but beware the them-and-us fallacy. Today's 'undertake you while you're signalling and turning left' cyclist and tomorrow's 'asleep in the middle lane of the motorway' could be one and the same person.