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08 1.8 spare key does not work - oldpostie
I've just bought a 58 reg Focus (Zetec) 1.8 petrol. I have a remote control key which works correctly. I also have a key which is not a remote control key, i.e. has no buttons for unlocking the door. If I try to unlock the car with this, the alarm sounds, and the immobiliser does not allow the starter to turn.
I cannot find how to program this key, from the manual supplied.
On the 53 reg Mondeo (diesel), I could use the non-remote key by holding it in position II for a few seconds when the alarm would stop and the car would run, but this does not seem to work.
I'm sure there is a simple way of enabling this key. Does anyone know what it is ?
Any help is appreciated.
08 1.8 spare key does not work - andyp
I don't think you will be able to do what you want to with this key, AFAIK if you lock the car using the remote so it activates the alarm, you can only disable it using a remote control key. The car would probably been supplied with 2 remote keys and you can get another through a Ford dealer using the VIN. If you lock the car manually with the remote key the alarm shouldn't arm, and you should then be able to use your non remote key.
08 1.8 spare key does not work - oldpostie
Thanks Andy
I wonder why the dealer supplied it. They did say that Motability often hand over just one key. This extra key is not a Ford key, but has 'JMA' on it. The metal part is cut the same and it does turn, but the immobiliser is not fooled.
I'll see them when they reopen.